Vienna (2023) – Luxembourg (2024) – Poznan (2025)!
CPPS and IAS organize the 37th CHER Annual Conference in Poznan, September 3-5, 2025!
Full info, Call for Proposals, and conference tracks will follow in January 2025.
CHER is Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, founded in 1988.
There are 300 participants expected!
CHER Conference Chair: Professor Marek Kwiek
CHER Conference Local Committee Chair: Dr. Marcin Byczynski
In 1988, the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) was founded – a membership organization of higher education researchers interested in enhancing the academic quality of higher education research, thereby striving for a balance between theoretical enhancement and societal relevance of research and placing emphasis on macro-societal issues of higher education and on international comparison. CHER is European based but comprises members from all over the world interested in these research priorities.
It is a softly organized association which turned out to be very successful in networking and stimulating research collaboration. Many CHER members are highly visible in terms of academic research productivity, international collaborative research, and dialogues between higher education research and higher education policy and practice.
Poznan welcomes you!
See a presentation on CHER Conference in Poznan – as shown in 36th Annula Conference in Luxembourg HERE.