Professor Marek Kwiek, Director e-mail:
Center for Public Policy Studies, and UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, AMU University of Poznan, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89 60-568 Poznań, Poland
phone (+48 61) 829 22 80 fax (+48 61) 829 21 47
Marek Kwiek, professor (full) and chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, director of Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (IAS) and Center for Public Policy Studies (CPPS), AMU University of Poznan, Poland.
His research area is quantitative studies of science, sociology of science and higher education research. He currently focuses on international research collaboration, academic productivity, stratification in science, and global academic elites.
Professor Kwiek has been a Principal Investigator or country Team Leader in 25 international higher education research projects funded by the European Commission; the European Science Foundation; and the Fulbright, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations, attracting about 2.7 million euros in research grants.
Professor Kwiek published about 230 papers and book chapters and 10 sole-authored monographs, and he publishes extensively in major academic journals. His most recent papers are in “Higher Education” (2023, 2021), “Quantitative Science Studies” (2024), “Journal of Informetrics” (2021), “Studies in Higher Education” (2023, 2021), “Scientometrics” (2022, 2022, 2020) and “Journal of Economic Surveys” (2021, all available in Gold Open Access).
His most recent monograph, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity was published by Routledge (2019). And his two recent Polish monographs were published by PWN Scientific Publishers (2022 and 2015).
He was a Fulbright Foundation scholar (University of Virginia, 1994-1995), Kosciuszko Foundation scholar (University of California, Berkeley, 1997-1998) and the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow (National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, DC, 2002-2003). He was also a Fulbright New Century Scholar (NCS) from 2007 to 2008 (under D. Bruce Johnstone, SUNY Buffalo) and a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the UCL Institute of Education, London, from 2012 to 2013, as well as a Kluge Fellow in the Library of Congress (2002-2003, unable to take his office). Currently, he is a Visiting Researcher at the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW, 2022-2024), Berlin.
Professor Kwiek is also an international higher education policy expert for the European Commission, USAID, the OECD, the World Bank, UNESCO, OSCE, the Council of Europe, national governments, and higher education institutions and a higher-education reforms advisor in 13 transition countries. His recent research report is Internationalisation of EU Research Organizations: A Bibliometric Stocktaking Study (2019) for the European Parliament.
Professor Kwiek has co-authored the Polish National Strategy for the Development of Higher Education until 2020 (Ernst and Young 2010); Europe 2020 Poland (World Bank 2011); and the National Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine until 2022 (USAID 2014). He has also co-authored the Heinnovate analytical tool ( for the European Commission and OECD (2012) to measure innovation levels of European universities. Currently, he is a national expert in the ETER (European Tertiary Education Register) project funded by the European Commission (2021-2024).
He served as a Steering Committee member of the BridgeMentor Program (Commercialization of Research) in the NCBR, a national research funding body for applied research (2013-2016). He also headed an Ustawa 2.0/Law 2.0 national team of 10 academics (2016-2017) who prepared the foundations for recent Polish higher education reforms; finally, he co-authored the AMU application to the IDUB national excellence program (2018-2019) which resulted in additional 100 million USD (350 million PLN) for AMU in 2020-2026).
He is an Associate Editor of Higher Education (term of the office: 2024-2024), perhaps the most prestigious academic journal in the field.
He is also an editorial board member for Higher Education Quarterly, European Educational Research Journal, and British Educational Research Journal as well as for a Springer book series, Higher Education Dynamics. He was nominated as an International Advisory Board member of DZHW, Berlin (term in office: 2024-2026).
In 2018, he was elected an ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Salzburg as one of 31 Polish scientists and scholars (Class V, Social Sciences, Law, and Economics).
In 2021, he was elected and ordinary member of Academia Europaea in London, the European Academy of Sciences, as one of 101 Polish scientists since 1988 (Class “Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare”). He belongs to the youngest 15% members of AE, those under 55.
Member of Committee for Science of Science, Polish Academy of Science (2023-2026).
Elsevier and University of Stanford data named him (2022, 2023) among the top 2% of most highly cited scientists in the world.
Marek Kwiek’s CV here.
Academic career:
- Doctorate: 1995, Habilitation: 1999 (Adam Mickiewcz University of Poznan, Poland – UAM)
- University Professor 2001-2009, UAM; Full Professor 2009-, UAM
- Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities IAS UAM), Director, 2021-
- Center for Public Policy Studies, UAM, Director, 2002-
- UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, Chair holder, 2012-
International Fellowships:
- 2024-2022 – a Visiting Researcher, DZHW German Center for Higher Education and Science Studies, Berlin, Germany (28 months).
- 2013-2012 – a Visiting Professorial Fellow, UCL Institute of Education, University of London, London, the UK (12 months).
- 2008-2007 – a global “Fulbright New Century Scholar”, working under D. Bruce Johnstone, NCS Distinguished Leader, in a global Fulbright Foundation project Higher Education in the 21st Century: Equity and Access (Poznan/SUNY Buffalo, USA, 12 months).
- 2003-2002 – a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy (NED),Washington, DC, USA, Reforming Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe and Democratic Values, 6 months. Kluge Fellow in the Library of Congress, Washington DC (2002-2003, unable to participate in the program).
- 2000 – an International Open Society Institute Policy Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University (CEU), Budapest, The Identity Crisis. Polish Higher Education in Transition (hosts: Y. Elkana, V. Tomusk, P. Darvas, 12 months).
- 2000-1999 – a visiting professor, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (1 semester).
- 1999 – a visiting scholar, Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin (2 months).
- 1997-1996 – a Kosciuszko Foundation postdoctoral visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, USA (host: Martin Jay, 6 months).
- 1996 – a Canadian Faculty Research Award Program visiting researcher, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (host: Charles Taylor, 2 months).
- 1995-1994 – a Fulbright Foundation visiting scholar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA (host: Richard Rorty, research assistant to Richard Rorty, 10 months).
Academic Honors, Editorial Boards:
- 2020 – ordinary member of Academia Europaea in London, the European Academy of Sciences (Class “Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare”).
- 2020 – Editorial Board Member, Springer book series, Higher Education Dynamics.
- 2018 – ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Salzburg (Class V, Social Sciences, Law, and Economics).
- 2015 – Editorial Board Member, British Educational Research Journal.
- 2005 – Editorial Board Member, Higher Education Quarterly.
- 2004 – Editorial Board member, European Educational Research Journal.
- 2021-2023 – a principal investigator, SCIENTISTS 2022, a “Society for Science” grant, Ministry of Education and Science, Polish Scientists 2022. Scientific Excellence, Research Autonomy, and Social Responsibility of Science (with a team of 5 collaborators).
- 2020-2024 – a principal investigator, PRELUDIUM BIS grant from the NCN (National Research Council): Research Productivity and Collaboration Patterns in Global Science. A Conceptual Approach. With Lukasz Szymula, doctoral student.
- 2019-2021 – a principal investigator, RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES grant, a Dialogue Program grant for “Research Universities 2.0: Funding, Governance and Human Resources Policy” project, a national ministerial (MNISW) grant (with a team of 5 collaborators)
- 2019-2022 – a co-principal investigator (with Dr. Marcin Kędzierski), GOSPOSTRATEG grant from the NCBR (National Center for Research and Development), “The Reform of the Student Material Support System” (with a team of 7 collaborators), a joint project with Krakow University of Economics
- 2016-2018 – a principal investigator, EXCELLENCE grant, Scientific Excellence: Competition, Measurability, Internationalization, a national ministerial (MNISW) grant (with a team of 5 collaborators)
- 2016-2018 – a principal investigator, MASTER grant, Institutional Autonomy and the Models of Adaptation of Polish Universities to a Changing Social and Economic Environment (2005-2015), Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) (Mistrz professorial subsidy).
- 2016-2017 – a principal investigator, USTAWA 2.0 (LAW 2.0), a national ministerial grant (MNISW) to prepare a new wave of Polish higher education reforms (with a team of 9 collaborators).
- 2012-2017 – a principal investigator, MAESTRO grant from the NCN (National Research Council), five-years long “Frontier Research” project: The Programme for Research in International Comparative Higher Education (1.66 MIL PLN or 415.000 EUR).
- 2017-2014 – a principal investigator, FLAGSHIP – a HARMONIA grant from the NCN (National Research Council), project European Flagship Universities: In Search of the Balance between Academic Excellence and Social and Economic Relevance (FLAGSHIP, with Peter Maassen, University of Oslo, Norway).
- 2012-2009 – national team leader, European Science Foundation (ESF), Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges (EUROAC), coordinated by Ulrich Teichler (Kassel University).
- 2013-2009 – national team leader and Board Member, EU “Marie Curie Initial Training Network” EDUWEL – Education and Welfare, 7th FP, coordinated by Hans-Uwe Otto (Bielefeld University).
- 2012-2009 – national team leader, Board Member, 7th FP, Making Capabilities Work (WORKABLE) coordinated by Hans-Uwe Otto (Bielefeld University).
- 2009-2007 – national team leader, Board Member, European Union Erasmus/LLL Programme GOODUEP – Good Practices in University-Enterprises Partnerships, coordinated by Jose-Gines Mora, TU Valencia.
- 2007-2004 – national team leader and Board Member, European Union European Universities for Entrepreneurship – Their Role in the Europe of Knowledge (EUEREK), STREP Project in 6th Framework Programme, coordinated by Michael Shattock and Gareth Williams, Institute of Education, the UK.
- 2004-2001 – team member, PROPHE: Program for Research on Private Higher Education, EAPS, State University of New York at Albany, USA, Ford Foundation, coordinated by Daniel C. Levy.
- 2001-2000 – team member, The Academic Profession in a Changing International Environment, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA, funded by Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, coordinated by Philip G. Altbach.
- 2021-2024 – expert, Implementation and further Development of a European Tertiary Education Register (ETER IV), the European Commission, coordinated by Benedetto Lepori, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
- 2021-2024 – partner, Asserting the Nation: Comparative Studies on the Rise of Neo-Nationalism in Higher Education. The Case of Continental Europe, Independent Research Fund Denmark, coordinated by Katja Brogger, Aarhus University, Denmark.
- 2018-2022 – partner, Contributions to Higher Education (CHE), University of Oxford and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, coordinated by Simon Marginson, University of Oxford, the UK.
- 2017-2019 – partner, Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education Worldwide: An International Research Inquiry (CIHE/Boston College and HSE/Moscow), coordinated by Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, and Maria Yudkevich, the USA-Russia.
- 2013-2015 – partner, High Participation Systems across the World (Institute of Education, London, and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), coordinated by Simon Marginson, Institute of Education, the UK.
- 2014-2015 – partner, Global University Rankings: Impacts on Universities Worldwide (Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Boston, the USA, and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), coordinated by Philip G. Altbach, Laura Rumbley and Maria Yudkiewich, the USA and Russia.
- 2011-2013 – partner, Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET, EC/DG Education and Culture Project), chaired by Sally Power, Cardiff University, UK.
- 2010-2012 – national team leader, Institutional Learning within Transborder University Cooperation and Its Contribution to European Integration (BORDERUNI), funded by German-Polish Foundation for Research, coordinated by Heidi Fichter-Wolf, IRS Leibniz Institute, Erkner, Germany.
- 2011-2009 – coordinator, EEA Grants/Norway Grants, Polish Higher Education and the European Higher Education and Research Areas (NORPOL), with Peter Maassen, Oslo University, Norway.
- 2007-2011 – partner, Network of Experts in Social Sciences of Education and Training (NESSE, EC/DG Education and Culture project), chaired by Roger Dale, Bristol University, the UK.
- 2007-2008 – senior adviser, Governance Reform Project (EC/DG Education and Culture project, coordinated by Jürgen Enders and Jon File, CHEPS, Twente University, the Netherlands.
- 2008-2007 – team member, The Belgian Government – Ministry of Education (Bologna Process BENELUX 2009), Beyond Bologna Process 2010, coordinated by B. Kehm, J. Huisman, and B. Stensaker.
- 2005-2002 – team member, European Union Erasmus GENIE Network (Globalization and Education Network in Europe), coordinated by Susan Robertson, University of Bristol, the UK.
- 2003-2002 – team member, The International Attractiveness of the Academic Profession, the Dutch government, coord, by Jürgen Enders, CHEPS, Twente University, the Netherlands.
- 2003-2002 – team member, Doctoral Degrees and Qualifications in the Context of the European Higher Education Area, coordinated by Jan Sadlak, UNESCO-CEPES.
- 2003-2002 – team member, European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) project, Legal Framework of New Governance in Education Throughout Europe, hosted by College of Europe, Brugges, coordinated by Jan De Groof.
Most Recent Keynote Speeches, Addresses and Invited Lectures:
- (2024) Stanford University (USA), March 7, 2024. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford, seminar: “Gender Differences in Leaving Science Forever: A Longitudinal, Cohort-Based Study of 2.2 Million Scientists”.
- (2024) Leiden University (the Netherlands), February 16, 2024. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), seminar: “Leaving Science: A Large-Scale, Cohort-Based, Longitudinal Approach, 2000-2022”.
- (2024) University of Oxford (UK), Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), January 30, 2024. Lecture and seminar: “Quantifying Attrition in Science: A Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2024) University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR), Faculty of Education, 15 January 2024. Lecture and seminar: “Leaving Academic Science: A Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW). November 13, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Attrition in Academic Science: How Women (and Men) Disappear, A Global and Longitudinal Study of 143,000 Scientists”.
- (2023) Sciences Po Paris (France). October 12, 2023. Lecture and seminar “Global Academic Profession Studies: New Data Sources, Methodologies, and Approaches”.
- (2023) University of Hanover and DZHW (Germany), October 6, 2023. Keynote Speech, “Structured Big Data and the Global Academic Profession. Implications for Future Higher Education Research”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), June 27, 2023. “Persistence in High (and Low) Individual Research Productivity: A Longitudinal Study of 270,000 Scientists across 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2023) University of Hiroshima (Japan), June 14, 2023. Special Lecture, the 9th HERA Conference, Higher Education in a Changing Global Landscape: Challenges and Prospects, Higher Education Research Association, “Quantifying the Changing Global Academic Profession: What We Know, What We Do Not, and Why?”
- (2023) Leiden University (the Netherlands), June 2, 2023. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), seminar: “How Scientists Change Over Time: Persistence in High (and Low) Individual Research Productivity from a Life-Cycle Perspective”.
- (2023) University of Oxford, April 4, 2023. CGHE lecture and seminar: “Big Data in Practice: Women (and Men) in Global Science”.
- (2023) University of Oslo (Norway), March 27, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Studying the Academic Profession: Current Dataset and Methodological Options and Their Implications”.
- (2023) Education University of Hong Kong (SAR Hong Kong), March 15, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “How to Quantify Academic Careers in the Global Age? Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Approaches and Looking into the Future”
- (2023) Stanford University (USA), February 23, 2023. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center. Lecture and seminar: “Young Male and Female Scientists: the Changing Demographics of the Global Scientific Workforce”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), January 10, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Structured Big Data for National and Global Academic Career Research: New Themes, Approaches & Opportunities”.
- (2022) University of Warsaw (Poland), June 23, 2022. Keynote Speech, IREG 2022 Conference, Academic Rankings at the Crossroads: “Global Science, Global Scientists: Big Data and Understanding the Academic Enterprise in the Digital Age”.
- (2022) Stanford University (USA), June 7, 2022. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center. Lecture and seminar: “Research Productivity from a Longitudinal Perspective: Once Highly Productive, Always Highly Productive?”
- (2022) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), June 2, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “Once Highly Productive, Always Highly Productive? Research Productivity from Life-Cycle Perspective”.
- (2022) University of Lugano (Switzerland): RISIS Research Seminar, May 11, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “The Changing Demographics of the Global Academic Workforce: Aging, Expansion, and Sex Differences in Science Across the OECD Countries, 1990-2020”.
- (2022) University of Aarhus (Denmark): Science Studies Colloquium, April 13, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “Man-Woman Collaboration and Academic Careers: A Study of 25,000 University Professors”.
- (2022) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), March 15, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Academic Profession Studies: What We Gain and What We Lose by Using Big Data”.
- (2021) Jeddah (Saudi Arabia): King Abdulaziz University, November 15, 2021. Invited Session “Globalization of Science” at the IREG 2021 Conference Effects of Rankings on Community and Society. “The Dynamics of Global Science and New Tensions in Academic Knowledge Production”.
- (2021) Harvard University (USA): the Mahindra Humanities Center, “The Mahindra Seminar Series on Universities”, November 3, 2021. “The Changing Academic Profession and the Stratifying Role of Research”, at the seminar: “Academic Profession in Knowledge-Based Societies – Global Perspectives”.
- (2021) Beijing (China): Peking University, Graduate School of Education, October 25, 2021. A seminar on “The Globalization of Science: Implications for Higher Education Research”.
- (2021) Oslo (Norway): Department of Education, October 1, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “The Academic Profession in the Era of Global Collaborative Science”.
- (2021) London (UK): Times Higher Education New Universities Summit 2021, Transforming the Future: New Visions of Young Universities, June 22, 2021. Invited panel session: “Has the Pandemic Shifted the Research Culture for Young Universities”.
- (2021) University of Toledo (USA): the Russel Center, Judith Herb College of Education, June 18, 2021. Lecture and PhD seminar: “The Changing Academic Profession within the Changing Science System – Poland from Global Comparative Perspectives (1989-2020)”.
- (2021) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), June 15, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists?”
- (2021) University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR): Comparative Education Research Centre CERC), Faculty of Education, May 18, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Research Collaboration and Innovations: Who Makes Strategic Decisions In Science and Scholarship?”.
- (2021) European University Association, Brussels (Belgium): The 2021 EUA Annual Conference: Universities 2030: From Vision to Reality, April 22, 2021. Invited panel session: “Recognition and Rewards of Academic Career Profiles”.
- (2021) Caracas (Venezuela): The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), March 15, 2021. Expert group seminar on “Higher Education Futures”. Invited presentation: “Higher Education in 2050: High Participation and Vertical Stratification”.
- (2021) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), March 9, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Elite journals, publishing as prestige-generation, and implications for academic careers“.
- (2021) University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Opening lecture in a Lecture Series “Science of Science in the Spotlight”, February 24, 2021. “Inequalities in Science: A Study of Major Collaboration Types”.
- (2020) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), December 8, 2020. Lecture and seminar: “Man-Woman Collaboration Patterns in Science: A Study of 25,000 University Professors“.
Recent books:
- Marek Kwiek, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity, London and New York: Routledge, 274 pp., 2019 (Routledge book page here).
- Marek Kwiek, Globalna nauka, globalni naukowcy. Warszawa: PWN, 620 pp, 2022.
- Marek Kwiek, Uniwersytet w dobie przemian. Instytucje i kadra akademicka w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji, Warszawa: PWN, 544 pp, 2015. Download here.
- Marek Kwiek, Knowledge Production in European Universities. States, Markets, and Academic Entrepreneurialism, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 486 (Here).
- Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 247 (Contents here).
- Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012, pp. 362 (Leaflet here).
- Marek Kwiek, University Transformations. Institutional Change and the Evolution of Educational Policies in Europe, Poznan: AMU Press, 2010, 450 pp. (in Polish: Transformacje uniwersytetu. Zmiany instytucjonalne i ewolucje polityki edukacyjnej w Europie). Here.
- Marek Kwiek, The University and the State. A Study into Global Transformations, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2006, pp. 424 (View here).
- Marek Kwiek, Intellectuals, Power, and Knowledge. Studies in the Philosophy of Culture and Education, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2004, pp. 301.
- Marek Kwiek, The University, Globalization, Central Europe, ed. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 260.
Selected recent papers and book chapters:
- (233) Marek Kwiek and Łukasz Szymula (2024). Quantifying Attrition in Science: A Cohort-based, Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries. Preprint at SocArXiv. 1-61. Link: PDF here.
- (232) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2024). Are Scientists Changing their Research Productivity Classes When They Move up the Academic Ladder?. Preprint at SocArXiv. 1-37. PDF here.
- (231) Kwiek, Marek, Łukasz Szymula (2024). Quantifying Lifetime Productivity Changes: A Longitudinal Study of 325,000 Late-career Scientists.” Preprint at ArXiv. 1-50. Link: PDF here.
- (230) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2024). Once Highly Productive, Forever Highly Productive? Full Professors’ Research Productivity from a Longitudinal Perspective. Higher Education. 87, 519–549. PDF here.
- (229) [in Polish] Marek Kwiek, Lukasz Szymula (2024). Znikający naukowcy. Co Big Data mówią nam o rezygnacja z nauki w 38 krajów OECD? Nauka 1/2024, 23-52. 10.24425/nauka.2024.149837. PDF here.
- (229) Marek Kwiek, Lukasz Szymula (2023). Young male and female scientists: A quantitative exploratory study of the changing demographics of the global scientific workforce. Quantitative Science Studies, (2023) 4 (4): 902–937. PDF here.
- (228) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2023). The Young and the Old, the Fast and the Slow: A Large-Scale Study of Productivity Classes and Rank Advancement. Studies in Higher Education, on-line first, 1-16. PDF here.
- (227) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists. In: The Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization. Edited by Paola Mattei, Xavier Dumay, Eric Mangez & Jacqueline Behrend. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 726-759. 2023. PDF here.
- (226) [in Polish] Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2023). “Zawsze wysoce produktywni? Zawsze nisko produktywni? Dynamiczne ujęcie dorobku naukowego profesorów tytularnych wykorzystujące klasy produktywności”. Nauka 1/2023, 7-39. Link. PDF here.
- (225) [in Polish] Marek Kwiek and Łukasz Szymula, “Profesja akademicka w ujęciu globalnym: co Big Data mówią nam o udziale kobiet w nauce? Nauka 3/2023, 45-86. Link. PDF here.
- (224) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Academic vs. biological age in research on academic careers: a large-scale study with implications for scientifically developing systems. Scientometrics. 127, pages 3543–3575. PDF here.
- (223) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Are Female Scientists Less Inclined to Publish Alone? The Gender Solo Research Gap. Scientometrics. 127, 1697–1735 (2022). PDF here.
- (222) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science (in Chinese), Peking University Education Review, 20(1) 2022, 1-35. PDF here.
- Marek Kwiek, Global Vertical Stratification of Institutions and the Academic Profession: The Role of Research in Future High Participation Environments. From Actors to Reforms in (Higher) Education. Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga. Edited by M. Klemencic, Cham: Springer, 2022. PDF here.
- (221) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science, Peking University Education Review, 20(1) 2022. 1-35. PDF here.
- (220) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Globalny obieg naukowy a wiek w nauce: analiza 20 000 polskich naukowców, Nauka 2/2022. 1-29. PDF here.
- (219) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Mężczyźni i kobiety w nauce: różnice na przykładzie badań prowadzonych indywidualnie. Sensus Historiae. XLVI (2022/1). 63-91. PDF here.
- (218) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Gender-Based Homophily in Research: A Large-scale Study of Man-Woman Collaboration, Journal of Informetrics. 35(3), August 2021, 101171. 1-26. PDF here.
- (217) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Gender Disparities in International Research Collaboration: A Large-scale Bibliometric Study of 25,000 University Professors. Journal of Economic Surveys. Volume 35, Issue 5,December 2021, 1344-1380. PDF here.
- (216) Marek Kwiek, The Prestige Economy of Higher Education Journals: A Quantitative Approach. Higher Education. 81, 493–519 (2021). Gold Open Access here. PDF here.
- (215) Marek Kwiek, What Large-Scale Publication and Citation Data Tell Us About International Research Collaboration in Europe: Changing National Patterns in Global Contexts. Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 45. On-line first April 10, 2020. 1-21. PDF here.
- (214) Marek Kwiek, Two Decades of Polish Reforms (2010-2020). International Higher Education, Spring Issue 2021 (106), 36-38. PDF here.
- (213) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Dlaczego w nauce dominuje współpraca z mężczyznami: homofilia ze względu na płeć na przykładzie 25 000 naukowców. Nauka 1/2021, 39-78. PDF here.
- (212) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Globalizacja nauki: rosnąca siła indywidualnych naukowców. Nauka 4/2021, 37-66. PDF here.
- (211) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Globalny system akademicki i stratyfikująca rola badań naukowych. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 51 (2021), 1-16. PDF here.
- (210) Marek Kwiek, Internationalists and Locals: International Research Collaboration in a Resource-Poor System. Scientometrics. Vol. 125. On-line first April 28, Gold Open Access. 2020. PDF Here.
- (209) Gianluca Quaglio, Sophie Millar, Michal Pazour, Vladimir Albrecht, Tomas Vondrak, Marek Kwiek, Klaus Schuch (2020). Exploring the Performance gap in EU Framework Programmes between EU13 and EU15 Member States. In-Depth Analysis, 1-39. Panel for the Future of Science and Technology. Strasbourg: European Parliament. Here.
- (208) Marek Kwiek, Poland: An Abundance of Doctoral Students But a Scarcity of Doctorates. In: Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, Maria Yudkevich (eds.), Doctoral Education at a Global Crossroads: An International Research Inquiry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 103-126. Here.
- (207) Marek Kwiek, Doctoral Education and the Doctoral Faculty Supervisioin Poland. In: Stanley Taylor, Margaret Kiley and Karri Holley (eds.), The Making of Doctoral Supervisors, edited by , Routledge: London and New York, 2020. 1-11. Here.
- (206) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Stratyfikacja społeczna w nauce: wprowadzenie. In: Jerzy Brzeziński (ed.), Uniwersytet XXI wieku: od Humboldta do Uniwersytetu 4.0, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2020. 131-157. Here.
- (205) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Szkolnictwo wyższe w okresie transformacji jako przedmiot analiz – w kontekście fundamentalnej roli umiędzynarodowienia badań w nowej polityce naukowej. In: Jerzy Woźnicki (ed.), Transformacja akademickiego szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce w okresie trzydziestolecia: 1989-2019. Warszawa: FRP, 2020. 43-76. Here.
- (204) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Międzynarodowa współpraca badawcza w Europie w świetle dużych danych i jej globalne konteksty. Nauka. 1/2020, s. 7-38. Here.
- (203) Marek Kwiek, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity, London and New York: Routledge, 274 pp., 2019 (Routledge book page here).
- (202) Marek Kwiek, Internationalisation of EU Research Organisations. A Bibliometric Stocktaking Study (A Study for the European Parliament, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology). Brussels: European Parliament, 2019 (114 pp.). Here.
- (201) Marek Kwiek, Social Stratification in Higher Education: What It Means at the Micro-Level of the Individual Academic Scientist. Higher Education Quarterly. Vol. 73. Issue 3. 419-444. Here.
- (200) Marek Kwiek, Krystian Szadkowski. Higher Education Systems and Institutions: Poland. In: International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems, Pedro N. Texteira and J.C. Shin, eds. Cham: Springer, 2019. 1-20. Here.
- (199) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities: The Welfare State as a Missing Context. In: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, Hans G. Schuetze and Andrä Wolter, eds., Higher Education Reform: Looking Back – Looking Forwards. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2019 (revised edn.). 9101-128. Here.
- (198) Marek Kwiek. Private Higher Education in Developed Countries. In: International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems, Pedro N. Texteira and J.C. Shin, eds. Cham: Springer, 2019. 1-21. Here.
- (197) Marek Kwiek, Wolf Lepenies: Homo Europaeus Intellectualis revisitado. Cadernos de História da Educação. Vol. 18, No. 1. 146-159. Here.
- (196) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Umiędzynarowienie instytucji badawczych w UE. Bibliometryczne badanie przeglądowe. Brussels: European Parliament, 2019. Tutaj.
- (195) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Ekonomia prestiżu akademickiego. Ilościowe ujęcie najlepszych czasopism na przykładzie dziedziny badań nad szkolnictwem wyższym. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 11-46. Here.
- (194) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Kim są najbardziej produktywni polscy naukowcy? Produktywność badawcza w niezróżnicowanym i niekonkurencyjnym systemie nauki. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 383-436. Here.
- (193) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Internacjonaliści i miejscowi – międzynarodowa współpraca badawcza w Polsce na mikropoziomie indywidualnych naukowców. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 47-105. Here.
- (192) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wprowadzenie. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 7-9. Here.
- (191) Marek Kwiek. High Research Productivity in Vertically Undifferentiated Higher Education Systems: Who Are the Top Performers? Scientometrics. 115(1): 415-462. Here.
- (190) Marek Kwiek. Academic top earners. Research productivity, prestige generation, and salary patterns in European universities. Science and Public Policy. 45(1): 1-13. 2018. Here.
- (189) Marek Kwiek. International Research Collaboration and International Research Orientation: Comparative Findings About European Academics. Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 22, Issue 1 (2018). 1-25. Here.
- (188) Marek Kwiek. Poland: A Post-Communist High Partcipation System. In: Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell and Anna Smolentseva, eds., High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. 334-357. Here.
- (187) Brendan Cantwell, Romulo Pinheiro, Marek Kwiek. Governance. In: Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell and Anna Smolentseva, eds., High Particpation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. 68-93.
- (186) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State in Europe. The Uncertain Future of the Traditional Social Contract. In: Ronald Barnett and Michael Peters, eds, The Global University, volume 2, New York: Peter Lang, 2018. 176-191. Here.
- (185) Marek Kwiek. The Robust Privateness and Publicness of Higher Education: Expansion through Privatization in Poland. in: David Palfreyman, Ted Tapper and Scott Thomas, eds., Towards the Private Funding of Higher Education. Ideological and Political Struggles New York: Routledge (International Studies in Higher Education), 2018. 90-111. Here.
- (184) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Ustawa 2.0 a mierzalność i porównywalność osiągnięć naukowych. Nauka. 1/2018: 65-86. Here.
- (183) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uczelnie badawcze: geografia produkcji wiedzy w kontekście koncentracji zasobów i akumulacji prestiżu. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(51). 2018. 7-14. Here.
- (182) Marek Kwiek. De-privatization in Higher Education: A Conceptual Approach. Higher Education. 74, 259–281 (2017). Here.
- (181) Marek Kwiek. A Generational Divide in the Polish Academic Profession. A Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Approach. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 16(5) (2017). 645-669. Here.
- (180) Michael Dobbins, Marek Kwiek. Europeanisation and Globalisation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe: 25 Years of Changes Revisited (1990-2015). Introduction to a Special Issue. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 16(5) (2017) 519–528. Here.
- (179) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education, Welfare States and Austerity: Pressures on Competing Public Institutions. In: Jon Nixon (ed.), Higher Education in Austerity Europe. London: Bloomsbury. 2017. 20-38. Here.
- (178) Dominik Antonowicz, Marek Kwiek and Don F. Westerheijden. The Government Response to the Private Sector Expansion in Poland. In: H. de Boer, J. File, J. Huisman, M. Seeber, M. Vukasovic and D.F. Westerheijden, eds., Policy Analysis of Structural Reforms in Higher Education. Processes and Outcomes. Cham: Palgrave. 119-140. Here.
- (177) Marek Kwiek. La desprivatización en la educación superior: un enfoque conceptual. Revista de la Educación Superior. 2017. 1-26. Here.
- (176) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Prywatyzacja i deprywatyzacja: od ekspansji (1990–2005) do implozji (2006–2025) systemu szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Nauka. 1/2017. 39-67. Here.
- (175) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Wprowadzenie: Reforma szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce i jej wyzwania. Jak stopniowa dehermetyzacja systemu prowadzi do jego stratyfikacji. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 2(50), 2017. 9-41. Here.
- (174) [in Polish].Marek Kwiek. Najlepiej zarabiająca kadra akademicka: rola produktywności naukowej i generowania prestiżu na uniwersytetach europejskich (a Polska). Nauka. 4/2017. 2-49. Here.
- (173) Marek Kwiek. The European research elite: A cross-national study of highly productive academics in 11 countries. Higher Education 71 (3). 2016. 379-397. Here.
- (172) Marek Kwiek. From Growth to Decline? Demand-Absorbing Private Higher Education when Demand is Over. In: A Global Perspective of Private Higher Education edited by Mahsood Shah and Sid Nair, New York: Elsevier, 2016. 53-80. Here.
- (171) Marek Kwiek. Academic Entrepreneurialism and Changing Governance in Universities. Evidence from Empirical Studies. In: Multi-Level Governance in Universities. Strategy, Structure, Control, : Jetta Frost, Fabian Hattke, and Markus Reihlen (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. 49-74. Here.
- (170) Marek Kwiek. Constructing Universities as Organizations. University Reforms in Poland in the Light of Institutional Theory. In: Eugenie Samier (ed.), Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge, 2016. 193-216. Here.
- (169) Marek Kwiek. From Privatization (of the Expansion Era) to De-privatization (of the Contraction Era). A National Counter-Trend in a Global Context. In: Sheila Slaughter and Barrett Jay Taylor, editors. Higher Education, Stratification, and Workforce Development. Competitive advantage in Europe, the US and Canada. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. 311-329. Here.
- (168) Marek Kwiek. Publish or Perish? The Highly Productive Reserach Elite in European Universities from a Comparative Quantitative Perspective. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond. No. 1(7) 2016. 12-13. Here.
- (167) Marek Kwiek. Competing for Public Resources: Higher Education and Academic Research in Europe. A Cross-Sectoral Perspective. In: Wojciech Bienkowski, Josef C. Brada, Massaki Kubomiwa, eds., International Perspectives on Financing Higher Education. New York: Palgrave, 2016. 6-24. Here.
- (166) Marek Kwiek. Global University Rankings in the Polish Context: the University of Warsaw, a Case Study. Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach and Laura E. Rumbley, eds., The Global Academic Rankings Game. Changing Institutional Policy, Practice, and Academic Life, New York: Routledge. 2016. 146-170. Here.
- (165) Marek Kwiek. Changing Public-Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education. International Higher Education. No. 86 (Summer 2016). 18-20. Here.
- (164) Marek Kwiek. National Reforms and Their European Contexts: on Institutional and Instrumental Visions of the University Applied to the Polish Case. In: N. Cloete, L. Goedegebuure, A. Gornitzka, J. Jungblut and B. Stensaker (eds.), Pathways Through Higher Education Research. A Festschrift in Honour of Peter Maassen. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2016. 71-74. Here.
- (163) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Kariera akademicka w Europie: niestabilność w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(47)/2016. 205-247. Here.
- (162) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Finansowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w warunkach permanentnej (międzysektorowej) konkurencji o środki publiczne. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(47)/2016. 7-12. Here.
- (161) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Deprywatyzacja szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Co oznacza i jakie niesie konsekwencje? Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 2(48)/2016. 7-16.
- (160) [in Polish]. Antonowicz, D., Brdulak, J., Hulicka, M., Jędrzejewski, T., Kowalski, T., Kulczycki, M., Szadkowski, K., Szot, A., Wolszczak-Derlacz, J., Kwiek, M. Reformować? Nie reformować? Szerszy kontekst zmian w szkolnictwie wyższym. Nauka, Vol. 4, ss. 7–33. Here.
- (159) [in Polish]. Kwiek, M., Antonowicz, D., Brdulak, J, Hulicka, M., Jędrzejewski, T., Kowalski, R., Kulczycki, E., Szadkowski, K., Szot, A., Wolszczak-Derlacz, J. (2016). Projekt założeń do ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Here.
- (158) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Rosnąca konkurencja o zasoby: uniwersytety a inne instytucje sektora publicznego. Humaniora. Nr 3 (15)/2016. 45-59. Here.
- (157) Marek Kwiek. The unfading power of collegiality? University governance in Poland in a European comparative and quantitative perspective. International Journal of Educational Development 43, 77-89. Here.
- (156) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization of Research in Europe. A Quantitative Study of 11 National Systems from a Micro-Level Perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education, 19(2), 2015. 341-359. Here.
- (155) Marek Kwiek. Academic generations and academic work: Patterns of attitudes, behaviors and research productivity of Polish academics after 1989. Studies in Higher Education, 40(8), 1354-1376. Here.
- (154) Marek Kwiek. Non-Publishers in European Universities. International Higher Education. Number 82, Fall 2015. 10-12. Here. Translated into Spanish as “Universidades europeas que carecen de function Investigativa”. Here,. Translated into Spanish (as “Universidades europeas que carecen de function Investigativa”) and Russian (as Непубликующиеся преподаватели европейских университетов).
- (153) Marek Kwiek. Реформирование европейских университетов : государство всеобщего благосостояния как недостающий контекст. Voprosy Obrazovania/Educational Studies, No. 2 (2015), 8-39. Here.
- (152) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities: The Welfare State as a Missing Context. In: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, Hans G. Schuetze and Andrä Wolter, eds., Higher Education Reform: Looking Back – Looking Forwards. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2015. 93-117. Here.
- (151) Marek Kwiek. The Role of Individuals and Funding in University-Enterprise Partnerships in Europe. A Cross-National Approach. In: Stoilova Rumiana, Kristina Petkova, Svetla Koleva, eds. Knowledge as a Value, Scientific Knowledge as a Vocation. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad. 2015. 267-290. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad. 2015. Here.
- (150) Marek Kwiek. Inequality in Academic Knowledge Production. The Role of Research Top Performers Across Europe. In: Emanuela Reale and Emilia Primeri, eds., Universities in transition. Shifting institutional and organizational boundaries. Rotterdam: Sense, 2015. 203-230. Here.
- (149) Marek Kwiek. Интернационализация академической профессии в Европе. Количественное исследование 11 национальных систем”. Вопросы образования (Educational Studies), vol. 1 (2015). 58-87. Here.
- (148) Marek Kwiek. European Universities and Educational and Occupational Intergenerational Social Mobility. In: Hans-Uwe Otto (ed.), Facing Trajectories from School to Work. Towards a Capability-Friendly Youth Policy in Europe. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015. 87-114.Here.
- (147) Marek Kwiek, Dominik Antonowicz. The Changing Paths in Academic Careers in European Universities: Minor Steps and Major Milestones. In: Tatiana Fumasoli, Gaele Goastellec and Barbara M. Kehm (eds.), Academic Careers in Europe – Trends, Challenges, Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. 41-68. Here.
- (146) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Podzielony uniwersytet. Od deinstytucjonalizacji do reinstytucjonalizacji misji badawczej polskich uczelni. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 3-34. Tutaj.
- (145) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Międzypokoleniowa ruchliwość społeczna: szkolnictwo wyższe a drabina edukacyjna i zawodowa w Polsce. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 170-202. Tutaj.
- (144) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Słowo wstępne: W obliczu nadchodzącej fali reform szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Argumentacja i wizja wspierająca najważniejsze kierunki zmian. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 7-16. Tutaj.
- (143) Marek Kwiek. “Internationalists” and “Locals” in Research: Similar Productivity Patterns Across Europe. International Higher Education. No. 83. Special Issue. 7-9. Here. Tranlated into Spanish (as “Internacionalistas” y “locales” en la investigación: patrones de productividad similares en toda Europa) and Russian (as Интернационализация и научная продуктивность ученых в Европе: схожие тенденции).
- (142) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Słowo wstępne: czym są i czym nie są naukowe badania szkolnictwa wyższego? Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 7-11. Tutaj.
- (141) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Nierówności w produkcji wiedzy naukowej – rola najbardziej produktywnych naukowców w 11 krajach europejskich. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 269-308. Tutaj.
- (140) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Umiędzynarodowienie badań naukowych. Polska kadra akademicka z perspektywy europejskiej. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 39-74. Tutaj.
- (139) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Reformy uniwersytetów europejskich: państwo dobrobytu jako brakujący kontekst badań i polityki publicznej. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo. Vol. 39, 2015, 165-196. Tutaj.
- (138) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Młoda kadra: różnice międzypokoleniowe w pracy naukowej i produktywności badawczej. Czym Polska różni się od Europy Zachodniej? Nauka 3/2015. 51-88. Here.
- (137) Marek Kwiek. “Strong Research Performers” vs. “Strong Teaching Performers” in European Higher Education: a Comparative Quantitative Perspective. Comparative and International Higher Education. Vol. 6 (2014). 20-27. Here.
- (136) Marek Kwiek. “From System Expansion to System Contraction: Access to Higher Education in Poland”. In: Anna Mountford-Zimdars, David Sabbagh and David Post, eds., Fair Access to Higher Education. Global Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 193-215.
- (135) Marek Kwiek. Internationalization and Research Productivity: “Internationalists” and “Locals” in Polish Universities. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond. No. 2. Fall. 2014, 13-15. Here.
- (134) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization of the Polish Academic Profession. A European Comparative Approach. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik. 2014. Vol. 60, No. 5. 681-695. Here.
- (133) Marek Kwiek. Structural Changes in the Polish Higher Education System (1990-2010): a Synthetic View. European Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 4. No. 3. 2014. 266-280. Here.
- (132) Marek Kwiek. Social Perceptions versus Economic Returns of the Higher Education: The Bologna Process in Poland. In: Tamás Kozma, Magdolna Rébay, Andrea Óhidy, and Éva Szolár (eds.), The Bologna Process in Central and Eastern Europe. Dordrecht: Springer. 147-182. Here.
- (131) Marek Kwiek. Changing higher education and welfare states in postcommunist Central Europe: New contexts leading to new typologies? Human Affairs. Vol. 24. No. 1. 48-87. Here.
- (130) Marek Kwiek, Emil Visnovsky. Introductory. Human Affairs. Vol. 24. No. 1. 1-10.
- (129) Marek Kwiek. Knowledge Production, Regional Engagement and Higher Education in Poland. In: Higher Education in the World 5: Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change (GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities). Palgrave Macmillan. 217-220.
- (128) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytet jako „wspólnota badaczy”? Polska z europejskiej perspektywy porównawczej i ilościowej. Nauka i szkolnictwo wyższe (2014), No. 2. (2014). 71-101. Tutaj.
- (127) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytety, produkcja wiedzy i konkurencyjność gospodarcza w Europie Środkowej. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, Warszawa, nr 1–2/43–44/2014. 91-116. Tutaj.
- (126) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Przyszłość uniwersytetów w Europie: motywy dyskusji i ich polskie konteksty. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, Warszawa, nr 1–2/43–44/2014. 71-90. Tutaj.
- (125) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Reformy instytucji europejskiego uniwersytetu: napięcia, kolizje, wyzwania. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom LVII-LVIII (2013), ss. 265-287. Tutaj.
- (124) Marek Kwiek, ed. (2013). European Universities: Changing Roles and Functions in New Environments. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35. No. 1. 1-257. See here.
- (123) Marek Kwiek. The Theory and Practice of Academic Entrepreneurialism: Transborder Polish-German Institutions. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (122) Marek Kwiek. Polish Universities, Their Regions and Their Impact on Economic Growth. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (121) Marek Kwiek. Introduction: European Universities and Their Changing Roles and Functions. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013).Here.
- (120) Marek Kwiek, Heidi Fichter-Wolf. Introduction: German-Polish Transborder Universities in a Challenging Environment. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (119) Marek Kwiek, Dominik Antonowicz. Academic Work, Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction. In: Ulrich Teichler and Ester Ava Höhle (eds.), The Work Situation of the Academic Profession in Europe: Findings of a Survey in Twelve European Countries. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. 37-54. Here.
- (118) Marek Kwiek. From System Expansion to System Contraction. Access to Higher Education in Poland. Comparative Education Review. Vol. 57. No. 3. 553-576. Here.
- (117) Marek Kwiek. From System Expansion to System Contraction. Access to Higher Education in Poland. A short version in: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler and John Brennan (eds.), The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education. Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2013. 233-258. Here.
- (116) Marek Kwiek. Marketization, Privatization, and Declining Demographics: Their Impact on Polish Higher Education. International Studies in Education. Vol. 13. No. 3. 2012. 12-20. Here.
- (115) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities and Reforming European Welfare States: Parallel Drivers of Change? In: International Workshop on Higher Education Reform. Higher education reforms: looking back looking forward: workshop proceedings.Here.
- (114) Marek Kwiek. Les universités en contexte de mutations économiques et sociales. Une dépendance sans précédent? In: Alain Renaut (ed.), Observatoire européen des politiques universitaires. Politiques universitaires et politiques de développement. Paris: Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS). 39-58. Here.
- (113) Marek Kwiek. Marek Kwiek. The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise in Europe: A Panoramic View. European Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 2. Issue 2-3. 112-131. Here. Abstract here.
- (112) Universities and Knowledge Production in Central Europe. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 11. No. 1 (2012). 111-126. Here. Abstract here.
- (111) Marek Kwiek. Changing Higher Education Policies: From the Deistitutionalization to the Reinstitutionalization of the Research Mission in Polish Universities. Science and Public Policy. Vol. 39. Issue 5. 641-654. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scs042. Here. Abstract here.
- (110) Marek Kwiek. Universities, Regional Development and Economic Competitiveness: the Polish Case. In: Romulo Pinheiro, Paul Benneworth and Glen Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessement of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge. 69-85. Here.
- (109) Marek Kwiek. Public-Private Intersectoral Competition: Fees and Declining Demographics. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. Vol 42. Issue 1 (2012). 153-157. Here.
- (108) Marek Kwiek. Poland’s System: Contraction and Implications. International Higher Education. Vol. 69. Fall 2012. 25-26. Here. PDF here.
- (107) Marek Kwiek. Academic Responses to the Modernisation Agenda of European Universities (with Andrzej Kurkiewicz). In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 19-26. Here.
- (106) Marek Kwiek. The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise in Europe: A Panoramic View. In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 27-60 (a short version in: European Journal of Higher Education. First online: DOI:10.1080/21568235.2012.702477). Here.
- (105) Marek Kwiek. Concluding Remarks: European Strategies and Higher Education. In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 333-360. Here.
- (104) Marek Kwiek. Changes in Higher Education in European Peripheries and Their Contexts: Poland, Norway, and Europe (with Peter Maassen). In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 11-40. Here.
- (103) Marek Kwiek. The Public/Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education. Demand-Absorbing Private Sector Growth and Its Implications. In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 127-154. Here.
- (102) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education Reforms and Their Socio-Economic Contexts: Shifting Funding Regimes and Competing Social Narratives. In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 155-178. Here.
- (101) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education in Turbulent Times. Concluding Reflections (with Peter Maassen). In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 227-242. Here.
- (100) Marek Kwiek. Creeping Marketization: Where Polish Public and Private Higher Education Sectors Meet. In: Roger Brown (ed.), Higher Education and the Market. New York: Routledge. 2011. 135-145. Here.
- (99) Marek Kwiek. Universities and Knowledge Production in Central Europe. In: Paul Temple (ed.), Universities in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Organisation and Global Change. New York: Routledge. 2011. 176-195. Here. An expanded version published in European Educational Research Journal, Volume 11, Number 1, 2012, pp. 111-126: here, abstract here.
- (98) Nina Arnhold, Marek Kwiek. Enabling Smart Growth for Poland Through Education and Skills Supply. In: Fueling Growth and Competitiveness in Poland Through Employment, Skills, and Innovation. Volume 2. Washington DC: World Bank. 2011. 97-130. Here.
- (97) Marek Kwiek. Polish Private Higher Education, Politics, and Demographics. International Higher Education. No. 64. Summer 2011. 19-22.Here. Chinese version here Spanish version here Russian version here
- (86) Marek Kwiek. The Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education. Demand-Absorbing Private Growth and Its Implications. Higher Education Forum. RIHE – Hiroshima. No. 8 (3). 2011. 121-147. Here.
- (95) Marek Kwiek. Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Malcolm Tight (ed.), Higher Education. New York: Routledge. 2010. Vol. 3.
- (94) Marek Kwiek. Entrepreneurialism and Private Higher Education in Europe. In: Michael Shattock (ed.), Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2009. pp. 100-120. Here.
- (93) Marek Kwiek. Globalisation: Re-Reading Its Impact on the Nation-State, the University, and Educational Policies in Europe. In: Maarten Simons, Michael Peters, and Marl Olssen (eds.), Re-Reading Education Policies: Studying the Policy Agenda for the 21st Century. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009. pp. 195-215. Here.
- (92) Marek Kwiek. The Changing Attractiveness of European Higher Education: Current Developments, Future Challenges, and Major Policy Implications. In: Barbara Kehm, Jeroen Huisman and Bjorn Stensaker (eds.), The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a Moving Target. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009. pp. 107-124. Here.
- (91) Marek Kwiek. The Changing Attractiveness of European Higher Education: Current Developments, Future Challenges, and Major Policy Implications. A shorter version also in European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 8. No. 2 (2009), pp. 219-236, here.
- (90) Marek Kwiek. What Is the Public Role of the University? A Proposal for a Public Research Agenda. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 8. No. 2. 249-255. (with Gert Biesta, Graham Locke). Here.
- (89) Marek Kwiek. The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education. Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access. In: Jane Knight (ed.),Financing Access and Equity in Higher Education. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. 2009. pp. 149-168. Here.
- (88) Marek Kwiek. The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education. Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access. A shorter version published in R. D. Reisz /M. Stock (Hrsg.), Die hochschule. Journal fuer Wissenschaft und Bildung. 2/2008. pp. 94-113, here.
- (87) Marek Kwiek. Academic Entrepreneurship vs. Changing Governance and Institutional Management Structures at European Universities.Policy Futures in Education. Vol. 6. No. 6. pp. 757-770. Here.
- (86) Marek Kwiek. Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education Management and Policy. Vol. 20. No. 1. 2008. pp. 89-110. Here.
- (85) Marek Kwiek. Accessibilite et equite, lois du marche et entrepreneuriat: developpements dans l’enseignement superieur en Europe centrale et de l’Est. Politiques et gestion de l’enseignement superieur. Vol. 20. No. 1. 2008. pp. 1-25. Here.
- (84) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education and the Nation-State: Global Pressures on Educational Institutions. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology. Vol. 45. No. 1. April 2008. pp. 109-131. Here.
- (83) Marek Kwiek. Revisiting the Classical German Idea of the University (on the Nationalization of a Modern Institution). Polish Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2008 pp. 55-78. Here. Full version in 2006 as a CPP RP here.
- (82) Marek Kwiek. The University and the Welfare State in Transition: Changing Public Services in a Wider Context. In: Debbie Epstein et al.World Yearbook of Education 2008. Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education. New York: Routledge. 2007. pp. 32-50. Here.
- (81) Marek Kwiek. The European Integration of Higher Education and the Role of Private Higher Education. In: Daniel C. Levy and Snejana Slantcheva (eds.), Private Higher Education in Post-Communist Europe. In Search of Legitimacy. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan. 2007. pp. 119-132. Here.
- (80) Marek Kwiek. The Welfare State and Higher Education on Their Way Towards Privatisation. Global and Transition Economies’ Perspectives. Der Offentliche Sektor. 3/2007. Wien: Technischen Universitaet Wien. 2007. pp. 9-24. Here.
- (79) Marek Kwiek. The Future of the Welfare State and Democracy: the Effects of Globalization from a European Perspective. In: E. Czerwinska-Schupp (ed.), Values and Norms in the Age of Globalization. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2007. pp. 147-172. Here.
- (78) Marek Kwiek, Piotr W. JuchaczDoctoral Education in Poland. In: S.Powell and H. Green (eds.), The Doctorate Worldwide. Maidenhead and New York: Open University Press. McGraw Hill. 2007. pp. 77-97. Here.
2006 and before
- (77) Marek Kwiek. The Classical German Idea of the University Revisited, or on the Nationalization of the Modern Institution. Center for Public Policy Research Papers Series, vol. 1 (2006). Poznan: CPP AMU. 2006. pp. 1-44. Here. View abstract here.
- (76) Marek Kwiek. The Harmonisation of European Educational Policies vs. Private Institutions in the Transition Countries. Prospero. A Journal of New Thinking in Philosophy for Education. Vol. 12. No. 1. 2006. 47-54. Here.
- (75) Marek Kwiek. The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 3. No. 4, 2004, pp. 759-776: download here, and
- (74) Marek Kwiek. The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European V. Tomusk (ed.), Creating the European Area of Higher Education. Voices from the Periphery, Dordrecht: Springer, 2006, pp. 87-116: download here.
- (73) Marek Kwiek. The Institution of the University: the Perspective of the Discourse on the European Higher Education and Research Space, Jan de Groof and Gracienne Lauwers (eds.), Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe. Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers. pp. 287-300. 2006. Here.
- (72) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State in a Global Age: renegotiating the traditional social contract? European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 4. No. 4. 2005, 2006, 324-341. Here.
- (71) Marek Kwiek. The State, the Market, and Higher Education. Challenges for the New Century. In: Marek Kwiek (ed.), The University, Globalization, Central Europe, Frankfurt a/Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 71-114. Here.
- (70) Marek Kwiek. The International Attractiveness of the Academic Profession in Europe: The Case of Poland. In: The International Attractiveness of the Academic Workplace in Europe ed. by J. Enders and E. de Weert, Frankfurt/Main: GEW, 2004, pp.332-349. Here.
- (69) Marek Kwiek. Doctoral Degrees and Qualifications in the Context of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research and Innovation Area: Poland. In: Doctoral Studies and Qualifications in Europe and the United States: Status and Prospects, ed. by J. Sadlak. UNESCO-CEPES Publications, 2004, pp.119-134. Here.
- (68) Marek Kwiek. Education and Human Rights in Poland. In: No Person Shall Be Denied the Right To Education: The influence of the European convention on human rights on the right to education and rights in; educacation, Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (editors), Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, pp. 407-420.
- (67) Marek Kwiek. The Nation State, Globalization, and the Modern Institution of the University. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, No. 96, December 2000, pp. 74-99. Here. Reprinted in Marek Kwiek (ed.), The University, Globalization, Central Europe. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, pp. 235-260,
- (66) Marek Kwiek. Academe in Transition: Transformations in the Polish Academic Profession. In: Philip G. Altbach (ed.), The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Developing and Middle-Income Countries, Boston College, CIHE, 2002, pp. 281-305.Here.
- (65) Marek Kwiek. El Ocaso del guru, ed. Manuel Gil Anton, Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 2004, pp.371-400). Here.
- (64) Marek Kwiek. Academe in Transition: Transformations in the Polish Academic Profession. Higher Education. Vol. 43, pp. 455-476, 2003.
- (63) Marek Kwiek. Marek Kwiek. The Missing Link: Public Policy for the Private Sector in Central and East European Higher Education, Society for Research into Higher Education Internatonal News, London: Open University Press, 2/2003, pp. 5-7. Here.
- (62) Marek Kwiek. Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Transformation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no. 3, Fall 2001, pp. 399-411. here. Also French and Russian editions (dowload a French version as a PDF file here); (download a Russian version as a PDF file).
- (61) Marek Kwiek. Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Transformation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no. 3, Fall 2001. A French version as a PDF file here.
- (60) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. Here. Also French and Russian editions: (downolad a French version as a PDF file here) (download a Russian version as a PDF file)
- (59) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. A French version as a PDF file here.
- (58) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. A Russian edition (PDF file here)
- (57) Marek Kwiek. Freedom and Globalization, In: P. Juchacz, R. Kozlowski, editors, Freiheit und Verantwortung. Moral, Recht und Politik, Frankfurt a/Main: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2002, pp. 107-117. Here.
- (56) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization and Globalization of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Society for Research into Higher Education International News, No. 47, London: Open University Press, November 2001, pp. 3-5. Here.
- (55) Marek Kwiek. Central European Higher Education and Global Pressures: the Three Aspects of Globalization. In: Z. Drozdowicz (ed.),Transformations, Adaptations, and Integrations. Global and Local Problems, Poznan: Humaniora, 2001, pp. 161-173. Here.
- (54) Marek Kwiek. Agents, Spectators and Social Hope: Richard Rorty and American Intellectuals. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York and London: Berghahn Books, No. 101, June 2003, pp. 25-49. Here.
- (53) Marek Kwiek. Wolf Lepenies: Homo Europaea Intellectualis Revisited. In: E. Czerwinska-Schupp (Hrsg.), Philosophie an der Schwelle des 21. Jahrhunderdts, Frankfurt a/Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 329-348). Here.
- (52) Marek Kwiek. After Philosophy: The Novelist as Cultural Hero of Modernity? On Richard Rorty’s New Pragmatism. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York and London: Berghahn Books, No. 92, December 1998, pp. 77-97. Here.
- (51) Marek Kwiek. Zygmunt Bauman and the Question of the Intellectual in Postmodernity. Working Paper Series, The Center for Western European Studies, University of California at Berkeley. No. 22, 1998. Here.
- (50) Marek Kwiek. The Institution of the University: the Perspective of the Discourse on the European Higher Education and Research Space, Jan de Groof and Gracienne Lauwers (eds.), Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe. Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers. pp. 287-300. 2006. Here.
Selected papers in Polish:
2013 and before:
- (49) Marek Kwiek. Reformy instytucji europejskiego uniwersytetu: napięcia, kolizje, wyzwania. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom LVII-LVIII. Kraków. 2013. 265-287. Tutaj.
- (48) Marek Kwiek. Dokąd zmierzają międzynarodowe badania porównawcze szkolnictwa wyższego? W: Piotr Orlik i Krzysztof Przybyszewski (red.), Filozofia a sfera publiczna. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2012. 449-468. Tutaj.
- (47) Marek Kwiek. Komisja Europejska a uniwersytety: różnicowanie i izomorfizacja systemów edukacyjnych w Europie. W: M. Domaradzki et al. (red.), Język, rozumienie, komunikacja. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2011. 211-224. Tutaj.
- (46) Marek Kwiek. Co to znaczy atrakcyjny uniwersytet? Różne konsekwencje transformacji instytucjonalnych dla różnych interesariuszy. W: C. Kościelniak i J. Makowski (red.), Wolność, równość, uniwersytet. Warszawa: Instytut Obywatelski. 2012. 73-110. Tutaj.
- (45) Marek Kwiek. Przyszłośc polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego. Sprawy nauki. Nr 11 (150). Warszawa: Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. 2009. 28-35. Tutaj.
- (44) Marek Kwiek. Fenomen (publicznych) uniwersytetów przedsiębiorczych w Europie. Szerszy kontekst rozważań. W: A. Grzegorczyk i J. Sójka (red.), Fenomen Uniwersytetu. Poznań: Wyd. Naukowe UAM. 2008. 181-204. Tutaj.
- (43) Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytet a państwo w epoce globalnej. Renegocjacja tradycyjnego kontraktu społecznego? Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom XLIII-XLIV (2005/2006), Kraków. 2006. 43-80. Tutaj.
- (42) Marek Kwiek. Nowe konteksty myślenia o edukacji w Europie: przykład globalizacji. W: S. Amsterdamski (red.), Globalizacja i co dalej? Warszawa: IFIS PAN. 2004. 258-280. Tutaj.
- (41) Marek Kwiek. Narodziny uniwersytetu z ducha nowoczesności. Uwagi o transformacjach instytucji w epoce globalnej. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, tom XXXVII-XXVIII. 2004. 45-62. Tutaj.
- (40) Marek Kwiek. Miejsce filozofii na uniwersytecie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość. W: E. Piotrowska i J. Wiśniewski (red.),Dydaktyka filozofii u progu XXI wieku. Poznań: Humaniora. 2002. 111-126. Tutaj.
- (39) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia – demokracja – uniwersytet. Wyzwania epoki globalizacji. W: P. W. Juchacz i R. Kozłowski (red.), Filozofia a demokracja. Poznań: Wyd. Nauk. IF UAM. 2001. 193-207. Tutaj.
- (38) Marek Kwiek. Melancholia – utopia – intelektualiści (czytając Wolfa Lepeniesa). M. Szcześniak (red.), Między humanistyką a przyrodoznawstwem. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2000. 133-149. Tutaj.
- (37) Marek Kwiek. Knowledge and History. The New French Humanities and Deleuze’s Nietzscheanizm. Master of Business Administrartion. A Journal. Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości. 2000. Warszawa. 26-32. Tutaj.
- (36) Marek Kwiek. Kryzys tożsamości. Filozoficzne pytania o uniwersytet jako instytucję nowoczesną. Humaniora 11/2000. Poznań. 1-10.
- (35) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia, polityka i dwa typy perswazji kulturowej. W: R. Liberkowski (red.), O sprawiedliwości. Poznań: Wyd. Naukowe IF UAM. 2000. 131-154. Tutaj.
- (34) Marek Kwiek. Już nigdy nie będzie tak, jak dawniej. Nowoczesność, globalizacja, uniwersytet. Przegląd Bydgoski. Vol. XI. Bydgoszcz. 2000. 9-28.
- (33) Marek Kwiek. Tożsamość narodowa – państwo narodowe – demokracja. Filozoficzne i polityczne wyzwania epoki globalizacyjnej. W: Z. Drozdowicz, Z. W. Puślecki (red.), Przezwyciężanie barier w integrującej się Europie. Humaniora. Poznań. 2000. 73-81.Tutaj.
- (32) Marek Kwiek. O autowizerunku filozofa. Między tekstem a wspólnotą. Opcje. Dwumiesięcznik kulturalny. 4. 2000. Katowice. 14-25. Tutaj.
- (31) Marek Kwiek. The Identity Crisis? Philosophical Questions about the University as a Modern Institution. In: K. Glass, Z. Drozdowicz (eds.), Europaeisierung der Bildungssysteme. Poznań-Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Mitteleuropaeische Studien. 2000. 23-37. Tutaj.
- (30) Marek Kwiek. Jakiegoż to adwersarza, jakiegoż wroga należy pokonać? (Hegel – Nietzsche – Deleuze). Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Nr 3 (21). 1999. 107-115.
- (29) Marek Kwiek. Paul de Man, filozofia, polityka. W: R. Liberkowski (red.), Filozofia a polityka. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 91-124. Tutaj.
- (28) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia a nauka i literatura w ponowoczesności. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii socjologii teoretycznej. Tom XXI-XXII. Kraków: Aureus. 1998. 159-174. Tutaj.
- (27) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia – polityka – zmienianie świata (francuski heglizm: między pracą tekstualną a propagandą polityczną). W: T. Buksiński (red.), Idee filozoficzne w polityce. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 193-213. Tutaj.
- (26) Marek Kwiek. Kant – Nietzsche – Foucault. Rzecz o dawaniu przykładów w filozofii. W: M. Kwiek (red.), ‘Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…’ Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 199-238. Tutaj.
- Marek Kwiek. Michel Foucault – rozdział polski (appendix mniej filozoficzny). W: M. Kwiek (red.), ‘Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…’ Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 289-302. Tutaj.
- (25) Marek Kwiek. Between the Community and the Text (French Philosophy, Politics, and the Figure of the Intellectual – from Sartre to Foucault). Trames. An International Journal of the Humanities and Social Science. No. 2. Vol. 2 (52/47). 1998. Tallin: Academy of Sciences Publishers. 165-185. Tutaj.
- (24) Marek Kwiek. Postmodernism, Science, Philosophy. 2B. A Journal of Ideas. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, No. 13-14 (1998). 29-46. Tutaj.
- (23) Marek Kwiek. Intellectuals in Postmodernity? In: G. Bianchi, E. Visnovsky (eds.), Discourse – Intellectuals – Social Communication. Bratislava: Veda Publishers. 1997. 294-305. Tutaj.
- (22) Marek Kwiek. On the Tragic Differend (Dilemmas of Lyotard – Dilemmas of Postmodernisty). Lingua ac communitas. No. 7 (Summer) 1997. 75-88. Tutaj.
- (21) Marek Kwiek. Indywidualizm jako ideał moralny (czytając Charlesa Taylora). W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Kulturowe konteksty idei filozoficznych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1997. 21-36. Tutaj.
- (20) Marek Kwiek. Romantyzm i pragmatyzm Richarda Rorty’ego. W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Kulturowe konteksty idei filozoficznych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1997. 131-150. Tutaj.
- (19) Marek Kwiek. Przeciw tyranii Hegla, albo przechadzka po francuskiej myśli ponowoczesnej. W: R. Kozłowski (red.), Hegel a współczesność. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk. 1997. 139-148. Tutaj.
- (18) Marek Kwiek. Bataille – między Heglem a Nietzschem? Opcje. Kwartalnik kulturalny. 4(19). 1997. 96-103.
- (17) Marek Kwiek. Polski postmodernizm? Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury. 1997. 34-43.
- (16) Marek Kwiek. „Powinni tylko iść za tym, który prowadzi…”, czyli o filozofii i polityce (Sartre – Barthes – Foucault ). W: A. Jamroziakowa (red.), Rewizje – kontynuacje. Sztuka i estetyka w czasach transformacji. Poznań: Humaniora. 1997. 51-74. Tutaj.
- (15) Marek Kwiek. Rorty a autokreacja. W: A. Szahaj (red.), Między pragmatyzmem a postmodernizmem. Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK. 1995 123-137. Tutaj.
- (14) Marek Kwiek. Włóczęgostwo filozoficzne. Esej o Zygmuncie Baumanie. W: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (red.), Trudna ponowoczesność. Poznań: Humaniora. 1995. 85-103. Tutaj.
- (13) Marek Kwiek. Znak historii (Lyotard, Rorty, Foucault). W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Szkice z filozofii kultury. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1994. 51-65. Tutaj.
- (12) Marek Kwiek. Dlaczego neopragmatyzm kocha literaturę, czyli o wyższości ‘mądrości powieści’ nad ‘mądrością filozofii’. W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Szkice z filozofii kultury. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1994. 83-103. Tutaj.
- (11) Marek Kwiek. Lyotardowskiej wzniosłości motywy estetyczne, etyczne i polityczne. W: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (red.), Sztuka i estetyka po awangardzie a filozofia postmodernistyczna. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury. 1994. 136-152.
- (10) Marek Kwiek. Richarda Rorty’ego postmodernistyczny świat ironii. Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Nr 1. 1993. 56-66.Tutaj.
- (9) Marek Kwiek. Richard Rorty jako filozof rekontekstualizacji. W: A. Jamroziakowa (red.), Inspiracje postmodernistyczne w humanistyce. Poznańskie studia z filozofii nauki. Tom 13. 1993. 243-264. Tutaj.
- (8) Marek Kwiek. On Some Richard Rorty’s Evolution. Ruch Filozoficzny. Toruń. Tom L. Nr 2. 1993. 195-200. Tutaj.
- (7) Marek Kwiek. Nowe rekonfiguracje wiedzy i władzy. Instytucja uniwersytetu a klasyczne powojenne państwo dobrobytu. Studia Pedagogiczno-Artystyczne. Nr 1. Warszawa-Kalisz. 2006. 35-50. Tutaj.
Książki / Books:
- (6) Marek Kwiek. Dylematy tożsamości. Wokół autowizerunku filozofa w powojennej myśli francuskiej. Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1999.Tutaj.
- (5) Marek Kwiek. Rorty’s Elective Affinities. The New Pragmatism and Postmodern Thought. Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1999. Tutaj.
- (4) Marek Kwiek. Rorty i Lyotard. W labiryntach postmoderny. Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1995. Tutaj.
- (3) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State. A Study into Global Transformations: A Ukrainian translation: Університет і держава Вивчення глобальних трансформацій. Марек Квієк, Університет і держава. Вивчення глобальних трансформацій, Київ – Таксон – 2009. Tutaj.
- (2) Marek Kwiek. “Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…” Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM, 1998. Tutaj.
- (1) Marek Kwiek and Taras Finikov (2001). The Polish Law on Higher Education: Experience and Lessons. Kiev: Taxon Publishing House. PDF here.
Keynote Speeches and international seminars (prior to 2020 only):
- (2019) Keynote Speech, “The Deeply Divided Academic Profession, or Multi-Level Policy Implications of Social Stratification in Higher Education”. The 5th CEHEC Conference at CEU/Corvinus University, Budapest: the 5th “Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference” (April 12, 2019). Attendence: 50.
- (2018) Keynote Speech, “Patterns of Social Stratification in Science”, SRHE Annnual Research Conference 2018, Society for Research into Higher Education, Celtic Manor, Newport, the UK, December 5, 2018. Attendence: 400.
- (2018) Opening Keynote Speech, “International Research Collaboration – the European Evidence and Policy Implications”, the EFC (European Foundation Center) Research Forum Conference 2018, Hannover, Germany, 17 October, 2018. Attendence: 200.
- (2018) Keynote Speech, “Internationalists and Locals in Research. Lessons from International Comparative Academic Profession Studies”, a conference Internationalisation of Higher Education across Europe: rationales, representations of international students and teaching excellence, 7th June 2018, Keele University, Keele, the UK (via Skype)
- (2018) – Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany, IZWT Kolloquium invited lecture: ”Top Performers” and ”Top Earners” across European Universities: High Research Productivity and High Academic Incomes Explored”, January 2018.
- (2017) Warsaw, Poland – Gala Speech at the LUMEN 2017 Leaders in University Management Annual Conference, “Competition, Measurability, and Comparability in Science as a Challenge to the Polish Science System”, November 2017.
- (2016) Cambridge, the UK – CHER 29th Annual Conference, University of Cambridge, “De-Privatization in Higher Education. A Conceptual Approach Generated by Recent Empirical Evidence”, September 2016;
- (2016) Budapest, Hungary – 2nd Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference, Central European University, Keynote Speech, “The Growing Social Stratification in European Universities: Research Productivity and Collaboration as Key Change Drivers?”, June 2016
- (2016) Seoul, South Korea – Conference “Research Collaboration and Entrepreneur Activities in the Knowledge Society”, Seoul National University, presentation on “Patterns of University Salaries Across Europe: Age, Gender, and Academic Disciplines”, April 2016
- (2015) Aveiro, Portugal – Conference “Academic profession in knowledge based society: the project conceptual and methodological definition”, University of Aveiro, presentation on “Major Theories of Research Productivity and Empirical Findings about New Entrants to the Polish Academe”, September 2015
- (2015) Cracow, Poland – Keynote Speech, Conference “Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe”, Cracow University of Economics, “The Polish Academic Profession: What We Know, What We Do Not Know, and What We Would Like to Know – from a European Comparative Perspective”, April 2015
- (2014) Poznan, Poland – Opening Speech, 20th Anniversary of the Compostela Group of Universities, “The European Research Ultra-Elite. What They Think and How They Work? A Cross-National Study of Highly Productive Academics in 11 Countries”, October 2014
- (2014) Rome, Italy, CHER – Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Annual Conference, September 2014, “The European Research Ultra-Elite. A Cross-National Study of Highly Productive Academics in 11 Countries”.
- (2014) Rotterdam, the Netherlands, EGOS – 30th EGOS Colloquiem, June 2014. “University Reforms vs. Academic Beliefs and Attitudes. Towards Universities as Organizations”. PDF here.
- (2014) Kiev, Ukraine, The Ministry of Science and Science and USAID, June-July 2014. Workshops on Higher Education Strategies, Reform Planning and Reform Implementation. The Political Economy of (Higher) Education Reform. PDF here.The Content and Structure of National Higher Education Strategies, Their Roles in the Reform Gestation, Adoption, and Implementation. PDF here.Polish Higher Education Reforms. An Overview of a Success Story. PDF here.Missions, Visions, and Strategies in Higher Education Reforms. A Practical Approach. PDF here. Trends in Higher Education in Europe (and Central Europe). PDF here.
- (2014) London, the UK, Institute of Education. March 2014. CHES Guest Lecture Series: “Academic Behaviours, Attitudes, and Productivity. Poland in a European Quantitative and Comparative Perspectives”. PDF here.
- (2014) Oslo, Norway – Conference “European Integration in Western Balkans”, presentation on “Private Higher Education in Europe: Looking into the Future”, University of Oslo, February 2014
- (2014) Paris, France – Meeting of UNESCO Chairs in Higher Education, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, “ UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research: a Polish Case”, January 2014
- (2013) Ljubljana, Slovenia – 10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (WHER), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, “Reforming European Universities and Reforming European Welfare States: Parallel Drivers of Change?”, October 2013, PDF here.
- (2013) Warsaw, Poland – International University-Business Forum. European Commission and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Panel chair: Universities and Technology Transfer. October 2013
- (2013) Moscow, Russia – International Conference on High Participation Systems and Russian Educational Research Association (RERA) Annual Conference, Higher School of Economics, “Universal Access in a Contracting System. Challenges, Implications, and Policy Dilemmas”, September 2013
- (2013) Lausanne, Switzerland. CHER 2013 Annual Conference (Consortium for Higher Education Researchers), September 2013. “The Deinstitutionalization and the Reinstitutionalization of the Research Mission in Polish Universities”. PDF here.
- (2013) Warsaw, Poland – “Financing Higher Education International Conference”, presentation on “Changing Contexts and Rationales: Trends in Teaching and Research Funding from a European Cross-National Perspective”, June 2013
- (2013) Brussels, Belgium – The Fifth European University-Business Forum (UBF), European Commission. Rapporteur, May 2013
- (2013) Gothenburg, Sweden – WORKABLE conference, University of Gothenburg, “Labour-market trajectories of young Europeans. Educational and occupational intergenerational social mobility in the light of evidence from the EU-SILC (a European comparative perspective)”, December 2011
- (2011) Ljubljana, Slovenia. Internationalisation and globalisation processes and their impact on national higher education systems. “Higher Education, Politics and Demographics in the Times of Educational Contraction”. November 2011.
- (2011) Sopot, Poland. Keynote Speaker. Polish EU Presidency Conference: The Modernization of Higher Education. “The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise. Challenges Ahead”. October 2011.
- Berlin, Germany. ECER – the annual European Conference on Educational Research. Chair: “Europeanisation of Higher Education”. September 2011.
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “The New Public-Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education”, January, 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “Higher Education Funding in Poland: Traps of Financial Self-Reliance?”, January 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, “Contexts for Polish Higher Education Reforms 2008-2010: De-institutionalization, Competing Social Narratives, and the Private Sector Growth”, December 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “Creeping Marketization: Where Polish Private and Public Higher Education Sectors Meet”, September 2009
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education: Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access”, September 2009
- Ann Arbor, USA. University of Michigan. Towards a European Higher Education Area: Bologna Process and Beyond. “Equitable Access to Higher Education”, March 2009.
- OECD Thematic Review Seminar on the “Review of Tertiary Education”, Budapest, Hungary, November 2008 (invited lecture) Marek Kwiek, “Tertiary Education and Regional Economic Competitiveness and Innovation from a Central European Perspective”
- University of Ghent, Belgium, 18-20 May, 2008, General Rapporteur to the conference “Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe’s Potential – Contributing to a Better World” Marek Kwiek, “Bologna 2020: Towards Conclusions from a general Rapporteur”
- Institute of Political Sciences, Berlin School of Economics, Berlin, Germany, October 6, 2007 (invited lecture, for a PRESOM – “Privatisation and the European Social Model” – seminar Marek Kwiek, “The University and the Welfare State in Transition”
- Paris, France – UNESCO-IIEP, EUEREK conference, “Private Higher Education – an Overview”, March 2006
- Institute of Education, University of London, the UK, December 5, 2006 (CHES seminar guest lecture) Marek Kwiek, “On Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Recent Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe“.
- “Geographies of Knowledge, Geographies of Power” seminar, Gregynog, University of Wales, the UK, January 18, 2006 Marek Kwiek, “The Welfare State in Transition: Changing Public Services in a Wider Context”.
- ECER 2005 Annual European Educational Research Association (EERA) Congress, Dublin Marek Kwiek, Keynote Address ECER 2005 (September 9, 2005)
- Marek Kwiek, “Academic Entrepreneurship vs. Changing Governance and Institutional Management Structures at European Universities” (Poznan EUEREK conference, October 2006)
- Marek Kwiek, “Academic Entrepreneurship and Private Higher Education in Europe” (Poznan EUEREK conference, October 2006)
As well as about 40 presentations at international conferences and seminars, mostly across Europe, organized within completed international comparative projects: WORKABLE, EDUWEL, EUROAC, GOODUEP, Fulbright NCS, EUEREK and others.
Professor Marek Kwiek, Director e-mail:
Center for Public Policy Studies, and UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, AMU University of Poznan, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89 60-568 Poznań, Poland
phone (+48 61) 829 22 80 fax (+48 61) 829 21 47
Marek Kwiek, professor (full) and chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, director of Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (IAS) and Center for Public Policy Studies (CPPS), AMU University of Poznan, Poland.
His research area is quantitative studies of science, sociology of science and higher education research. He currently focuses on international research collaboration, academic productivity, stratification in science, and global academic elites.
Professor Kwiek has been a Principal Investigator or country Team Leader in 25 international higher education research projects funded by the European Commission; the European Science Foundation; and the Fulbright, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations, attracting about 2.7 million euros in research grants.
Professor Kwiek published about 230 papers and book chapters and 10 sole-authored monographs, and he publishes extensively in major academic journals. His most recent papers are in “Higher Education” (2023, 2021), “Quantitative Science Studies” (2024), “Journal of Informetrics” (2021), “Studies in Higher Education” (2023, 2021), “Scientometrics” (2022, 2022, 2020) and “Journal of Economic Surveys” (2021, all available in Gold Open Access).
His most recent monograph, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity was published by Routledge (2019). And his two recent Polish monographs were published by PWN Scientific Publishers (2022 and 2015).
He was a Fulbright Foundation scholar (University of Virginia, 1994-1995), Kosciuszko Foundation scholar (University of California, Berkeley, 1997-1998) and the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow (National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, DC, 2002-2003). He was also a Fulbright New Century Scholar (NCS) from 2007 to 2008 (under D. Bruce Johnstone, SUNY Buffalo) and a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the UCL Institute of Education, London, from 2012 to 2013, as well as a Kluge Fellow in the Library of Congress (2002-2003, unable to take his office). Currently, he is a Visiting Researcher at the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW, 2022-2024), Berlin.
Professor Kwiek is also an international higher education policy expert for the European Commission, USAID, the OECD, the World Bank, UNESCO, OSCE, the Council of Europe, national governments, and higher education institutions and a higher-education reforms advisor in 13 transition countries. His recent research report is Internationalisation of EU Research Organizations: A Bibliometric Stocktaking Study (2019) for the European Parliament.
Professor Kwiek has co-authored the Polish National Strategy for the Development of Higher Education until 2020 (Ernst and Young 2010); Europe 2020 Poland (World Bank 2011); and the National Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine until 2022 (USAID 2014). He has also co-authored the Heinnovate analytical tool ( for the European Commission and OECD (2012) to measure innovation levels of European universities. Currently, he is a national expert in the ETER (European Tertiary Education Register) project funded by the European Commission (2021-2024).
He served as a Steering Committee member of the BridgeMentor Program (Commercialization of Research) in the NCBR, a national research funding body for applied research (2013-2016). He also headed an Ustawa 2.0/Law 2.0 national team of 10 academics (2016-2017) who prepared the foundations for recent Polish higher education reforms; finally, he co-authored the AMU application to the IDUB national excellence program (2018-2019) which resulted in additional 100 million USD (350 million PLN) for AMU in 2020-2026).
He is an Associate Editor of Higher Education (term of the office: 2024-2024), perhaps the most prestigious academic journal in the field.
He is also an editorial board member for Higher Education Quarterly, European Educational Research Journal, and British Educational Research Journal as well as for a Springer book series, Higher Education Dynamics. He was nominated as an International Advisory Board member of DZHW, Berlin (term in office: 2024-2026).
In 2018, he was elected an ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Salzburg as one of 31 Polish scientists and scholars (Class V, Social Sciences, Law, and Economics).
In 2021, he was elected and ordinary member of Academia Europaea in London, the European Academy of Sciences, as one of 101 Polish scientists since 1988 (Class “Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare”). He belongs to the youngest 15% members of AE, those under 55.
Member of Committee for Science of Science, Polish Academy of Science (2023-2026).
Elsevier and University of Stanford data named him (2022, 2023) among the top 2% of most highly cited scientists in the world.
Marek Kwiek’s CV here.
Academic career:
- Doctorate: 1995, Habilitation: 1999 (Adam Mickiewcz University of Poznan, Poland – UAM)
- University Professor 2001-2009, UAM; Full Professor 2009-, UAM
- Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities IAS UAM), Director, 2021-
- Center for Public Policy Studies, UAM, Director, 2002-
- UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, Chair holder, 2012-
International Fellowships:
- 2024-2022 – a Visiting Researcher, DZHW German Center for Higher Education and Science Studies, Berlin, Germany (28 months).
- 2013-2012 – a Visiting Professorial Fellow, UCL Institute of Education, University of London, London, the UK (12 months).
- 2008-2007 – a global “Fulbright New Century Scholar”, working under D. Bruce Johnstone, NCS Distinguished Leader, in a global Fulbright Foundation project Higher Education in the 21st Century: Equity and Access (Poznan/SUNY Buffalo, USA, 12 months).
- 2003-2002 – a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy (NED),Washington, DC, USA, Reforming Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe and Democratic Values, 6 months. Kluge Fellow in the Library of Congress, Washington DC (2002-2003, unable to participate in the program).
- 2000 – an International Open Society Institute Policy Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University (CEU), Budapest, The Identity Crisis. Polish Higher Education in Transition (hosts: Y. Elkana, V. Tomusk, P. Darvas, 12 months).
- 2000-1999 – a visiting professor, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (1 semester).
- 1999 – a visiting scholar, Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin (2 months).
- 1997-1996 – a Kosciuszko Foundation postdoctoral visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, USA (host: Martin Jay, 6 months).
- 1996 – a Canadian Faculty Research Award Program visiting researcher, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (host: Charles Taylor, 2 months).
- 1995-1994 – a Fulbright Foundation visiting scholar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA (host: Richard Rorty, research assistant to Richard Rorty, 10 months).
Academic Honors, Editorial Boards:
- 2020 – ordinary member of Academia Europaea in London, the European Academy of Sciences (Class “Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare”).
- 2020 – Editorial Board Member, Springer book series, Higher Education Dynamics.
- 2018 – ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Salzburg (Class V, Social Sciences, Law, and Economics).
- 2015 – Editorial Board Member, British Educational Research Journal.
- 2005 – Editorial Board Member, Higher Education Quarterly.
- 2004 – Editorial Board member, European Educational Research Journal.
- 2021-2023 – a principal investigator, SCIENTISTS 2022, a “Society for Science” grant, Ministry of Education and Science, Polish Scientists 2022. Scientific Excellence, Research Autonomy, and Social Responsibility of Science (with a team of 5 collaborators).
- 2020-2024 – a principal investigator, PRELUDIUM BIS grant from the NCN (National Research Council): Research Productivity and Collaboration Patterns in Global Science. A Conceptual Approach. With Lukasz Szymula, doctoral student.
- 2019-2021 – a principal investigator, RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES grant, a Dialogue Program grant for “Research Universities 2.0: Funding, Governance and Human Resources Policy” project, a national ministerial (MNISW) grant (with a team of 5 collaborators)
- 2019-2022 – a co-principal investigator (with Dr. Marcin Kędzierski), GOSPOSTRATEG grant from the NCBR (National Center for Research and Development), “The Reform of the Student Material Support System” (with a team of 7 collaborators), a joint project with Krakow University of Economics
- 2016-2018 – a principal investigator, EXCELLENCE grant, Scientific Excellence: Competition, Measurability, Internationalization, a national ministerial (MNISW) grant (with a team of 5 collaborators)
- 2016-2018 – a principal investigator, MASTER grant, Institutional Autonomy and the Models of Adaptation of Polish Universities to a Changing Social and Economic Environment (2005-2015), Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) (Mistrz professorial subsidy).
- 2016-2017 – a principal investigator, USTAWA 2.0 (LAW 2.0), a national ministerial grant (MNISW) to prepare a new wave of Polish higher education reforms (with a team of 9 collaborators).
- 2012-2017 – a principal investigator, MAESTRO grant from the NCN (National Research Council), five-years long “Frontier Research” project: The Programme for Research in International Comparative Higher Education (1.66 MIL PLN or 415.000 EUR).
- 2017-2014 – a principal investigator, FLAGSHIP – a HARMONIA grant from the NCN (National Research Council), project European Flagship Universities: In Search of the Balance between Academic Excellence and Social and Economic Relevance (FLAGSHIP, with Peter Maassen, University of Oslo, Norway).
- 2012-2009 – national team leader, European Science Foundation (ESF), Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges (EUROAC), coordinated by Ulrich Teichler (Kassel University).
- 2013-2009 – national team leader and Board Member, EU “Marie Curie Initial Training Network” EDUWEL – Education and Welfare, 7th FP, coordinated by Hans-Uwe Otto (Bielefeld University).
- 2012-2009 – national team leader, Board Member, 7th FP, Making Capabilities Work (WORKABLE) coordinated by Hans-Uwe Otto (Bielefeld University).
- 2009-2007 – national team leader, Board Member, European Union Erasmus/LLL Programme GOODUEP – Good Practices in University-Enterprises Partnerships, coordinated by Jose-Gines Mora, TU Valencia.
- 2007-2004 – national team leader and Board Member, European Union European Universities for Entrepreneurship – Their Role in the Europe of Knowledge (EUEREK), STREP Project in 6th Framework Programme, coordinated by Michael Shattock and Gareth Williams, Institute of Education, the UK.
- 2004-2001 – team member, PROPHE: Program for Research on Private Higher Education, EAPS, State University of New York at Albany, USA, Ford Foundation, coordinated by Daniel C. Levy.
- 2001-2000 – team member, The Academic Profession in a Changing International Environment, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA, funded by Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, coordinated by Philip G. Altbach.
- 2021-2024 – expert, Implementation and further Development of a European Tertiary Education Register (ETER IV), the European Commission, coordinated by Benedetto Lepori, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
- 2021-2024 – partner, Asserting the Nation: Comparative Studies on the Rise of Neo-Nationalism in Higher Education. The Case of Continental Europe, Independent Research Fund Denmark, coordinated by Katja Brogger, Aarhus University, Denmark.
- 2018-2022 – partner, Contributions to Higher Education (CHE), University of Oxford and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, coordinated by Simon Marginson, University of Oxford, the UK.
- 2017-2019 – partner, Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education Worldwide: An International Research Inquiry (CIHE/Boston College and HSE/Moscow), coordinated by Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, and Maria Yudkevich, the USA-Russia.
- 2013-2015 – partner, High Participation Systems across the World (Institute of Education, London, and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), coordinated by Simon Marginson, Institute of Education, the UK.
- 2014-2015 – partner, Global University Rankings: Impacts on Universities Worldwide (Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Boston, the USA, and National Research University – High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), coordinated by Philip G. Altbach, Laura Rumbley and Maria Yudkiewich, the USA and Russia.
- 2011-2013 – partner, Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET, EC/DG Education and Culture Project), chaired by Sally Power, Cardiff University, UK.
- 2010-2012 – national team leader, Institutional Learning within Transborder University Cooperation and Its Contribution to European Integration (BORDERUNI), funded by German-Polish Foundation for Research, coordinated by Heidi Fichter-Wolf, IRS Leibniz Institute, Erkner, Germany.
- 2011-2009 – coordinator, EEA Grants/Norway Grants, Polish Higher Education and the European Higher Education and Research Areas (NORPOL), with Peter Maassen, Oslo University, Norway.
- 2007-2011 – partner, Network of Experts in Social Sciences of Education and Training (NESSE, EC/DG Education and Culture project), chaired by Roger Dale, Bristol University, the UK.
- 2007-2008 – senior adviser, Governance Reform Project (EC/DG Education and Culture project, coordinated by Jürgen Enders and Jon File, CHEPS, Twente University, the Netherlands.
- 2008-2007 – team member, The Belgian Government – Ministry of Education (Bologna Process BENELUX 2009), Beyond Bologna Process 2010, coordinated by B. Kehm, J. Huisman, and B. Stensaker.
- 2005-2002 – team member, European Union Erasmus GENIE Network (Globalization and Education Network in Europe), coordinated by Susan Robertson, University of Bristol, the UK.
- 2003-2002 – team member, The International Attractiveness of the Academic Profession, the Dutch government, coord, by Jürgen Enders, CHEPS, Twente University, the Netherlands.
- 2003-2002 – team member, Doctoral Degrees and Qualifications in the Context of the European Higher Education Area, coordinated by Jan Sadlak, UNESCO-CEPES.
- 2003-2002 – team member, European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) project, Legal Framework of New Governance in Education Throughout Europe, hosted by College of Europe, Brugges, coordinated by Jan De Groof.
Most Recent Keynote Speeches, Addresses and Invited Lectures:
- (2024) Stanford University (USA), March 7, 2024. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford, seminar: “Gender Differences in Leaving Science Forever: A Longitudinal, Cohort-Based Study of 2.2 Million Scientists”.
- (2024) Leiden University (the Netherlands), February 16, 2024. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), seminar: “Leaving Science: A Large-Scale, Cohort-Based, Longitudinal Approach, 2000-2022”.
- (2024) University of Oxford (UK), Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), January 30, 2024. Lecture and seminar: “Quantifying Attrition in Science: A Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2024) University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR), Faculty of Education, 15 January 2024. Lecture and seminar: “Leaving Academic Science: A Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW). November 13, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Attrition in Academic Science: How Women (and Men) Disappear, A Global and Longitudinal Study of 143,000 Scientists”.
- (2023) Sciences Po Paris (France). October 12, 2023. Lecture and seminar “Global Academic Profession Studies: New Data Sources, Methodologies, and Approaches”.
- (2023) University of Hanover and DZHW (Germany), October 6, 2023. Keynote Speech, “Structured Big Data and the Global Academic Profession. Implications for Future Higher Education Research”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), June 27, 2023. “Persistence in High (and Low) Individual Research Productivity: A Longitudinal Study of 270,000 Scientists across 38 OECD Countries”.
- (2023) University of Hiroshima (Japan), June 14, 2023. Special Lecture, the 9th HERA Conference, Higher Education in a Changing Global Landscape: Challenges and Prospects, Higher Education Research Association, “Quantifying the Changing Global Academic Profession: What We Know, What We Do Not, and Why?”
- (2023) Leiden University (the Netherlands), June 2, 2023. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), seminar: “How Scientists Change Over Time: Persistence in High (and Low) Individual Research Productivity from a Life-Cycle Perspective”.
- (2023) University of Oxford, April 4, 2023. CGHE lecture and seminar: “Big Data in Practice: Women (and Men) in Global Science”.
- (2023) University of Oslo (Norway), March 27, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Studying the Academic Profession: Current Dataset and Methodological Options and Their Implications”.
- (2023) Education University of Hong Kong (SAR Hong Kong), March 15, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “How to Quantify Academic Careers in the Global Age? Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Approaches and Looking into the Future”
- (2023) Stanford University (USA), February 23, 2023. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center. Lecture and seminar: “Young Male and Female Scientists: the Changing Demographics of the Global Scientific Workforce”.
- (2023) DZHW Berlin (Germany), German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), January 10, 2023. Lecture and seminar: “Structured Big Data for National and Global Academic Career Research: New Themes, Approaches & Opportunities”.
- (2022) University of Warsaw (Poland), June 23, 2022. Keynote Speech, IREG 2022 Conference, Academic Rankings at the Crossroads: “Global Science, Global Scientists: Big Data and Understanding the Academic Enterprise in the Digital Age”.
- (2022) Stanford University (USA), June 7, 2022. METRICS Meta-Research Innovation Center. Lecture and seminar: “Research Productivity from a Longitudinal Perspective: Once Highly Productive, Always Highly Productive?”
- (2022) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), June 2, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “Once Highly Productive, Always Highly Productive? Research Productivity from Life-Cycle Perspective”.
- (2022) University of Lugano (Switzerland): RISIS Research Seminar, May 11, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “The Changing Demographics of the Global Academic Workforce: Aging, Expansion, and Sex Differences in Science Across the OECD Countries, 1990-2020”.
- (2022) University of Aarhus (Denmark): Science Studies Colloquium, April 13, 2022. Lecture and seminar: “Man-Woman Collaboration and Academic Careers: A Study of 25,000 University Professors”.
- (2022) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), March 15, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Academic Profession Studies: What We Gain and What We Lose by Using Big Data”.
- (2021) Jeddah (Saudi Arabia): King Abdulaziz University, November 15, 2021. Invited Session “Globalization of Science” at the IREG 2021 Conference Effects of Rankings on Community and Society. “The Dynamics of Global Science and New Tensions in Academic Knowledge Production”.
- (2021) Harvard University (USA): the Mahindra Humanities Center, “The Mahindra Seminar Series on Universities”, November 3, 2021. “The Changing Academic Profession and the Stratifying Role of Research”, at the seminar: “Academic Profession in Knowledge-Based Societies – Global Perspectives”.
- (2021) Beijing (China): Peking University, Graduate School of Education, October 25, 2021. A seminar on “The Globalization of Science: Implications for Higher Education Research”.
- (2021) Oslo (Norway): Department of Education, October 1, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “The Academic Profession in the Era of Global Collaborative Science”.
- (2021) London (UK): Times Higher Education New Universities Summit 2021, Transforming the Future: New Visions of Young Universities, June 22, 2021. Invited panel session: “Has the Pandemic Shifted the Research Culture for Young Universities”.
- (2021) University of Toledo (USA): the Russel Center, Judith Herb College of Education, June 18, 2021. Lecture and PhD seminar: “The Changing Academic Profession within the Changing Science System – Poland from Global Comparative Perspectives (1989-2020)”.
- (2021) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), June 15, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists?”
- (2021) University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR): Comparative Education Research Centre CERC), Faculty of Education, May 18, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Research Collaboration and Innovations: Who Makes Strategic Decisions In Science and Scholarship?”.
- (2021) European University Association, Brussels (Belgium): The 2021 EUA Annual Conference: Universities 2030: From Vision to Reality, April 22, 2021. Invited panel session: “Recognition and Rewards of Academic Career Profiles”.
- (2021) Caracas (Venezuela): The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), March 15, 2021. Expert group seminar on “Higher Education Futures”. Invited presentation: “Higher Education in 2050: High Participation and Vertical Stratification”.
- (2021) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), March 9, 2021. Lecture and seminar: “Elite journals, publishing as prestige-generation, and implications for academic careers“.
- (2021) University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Opening lecture in a Lecture Series “Science of Science in the Spotlight”, February 24, 2021. “Inequalities in Science: A Study of Major Collaboration Types”.
- (2020) University of Oxford (UK): Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), December 8, 2020. Lecture and seminar: “Man-Woman Collaboration Patterns in Science: A Study of 25,000 University Professors“.
Recent books:
- Marek Kwiek, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity, London and New York: Routledge, 274 pp., 2019 (Routledge book page here).
- Marek Kwiek, Globalna nauka, globalni naukowcy. Warszawa: PWN, 620 pp, 2022.
- Marek Kwiek, Uniwersytet w dobie przemian. Instytucje i kadra akademicka w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji, Warszawa: PWN, 544 pp, 2015. Download here.
- Marek Kwiek, Knowledge Production in European Universities. States, Markets, and Academic Entrepreneurialism, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 486 (Here).
- Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 247 (Contents here).
- Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012, pp. 362 (Leaflet here).
- Marek Kwiek, University Transformations. Institutional Change and the Evolution of Educational Policies in Europe, Poznan: AMU Press, 2010, 450 pp. (in Polish: Transformacje uniwersytetu. Zmiany instytucjonalne i ewolucje polityki edukacyjnej w Europie). Here.
- Marek Kwiek, The University and the State. A Study into Global Transformations, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2006, pp. 424 (View here).
- Marek Kwiek, Intellectuals, Power, and Knowledge. Studies in the Philosophy of Culture and Education, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2004, pp. 301.
- Marek Kwiek, The University, Globalization, Central Europe, ed. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 260.
Selected recent papers and book chapters:
- (233) Marek Kwiek and Łukasz Szymula (2024). Quantifying Attrition in Science: A Cohort-based, Longitudinal Study of Scientists in 38 OECD Countries. Preprint at SocArXiv. November 10. Link:
- (232) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2024). Moving up the Academic Ladder, Changing Productivity? the Case of Polish High and Low Performers. Preprint at SocArXiv. 1-37.
- (231) Kwiek, Marek, Łukasz Szymula (2024). Quantifying Lifetime Productivity Changes: A Longitudinal Study of 325,000 Late-career Scientists.” Preprint at SocArXiv. 1-50.
- (230) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2024). Once Highly Productive, Forever Highly Productive? Full Professors’ Research Productivity from a Longitudinal Perspective. Higher Education. 87, 519–549.
- (229) Marek Kwiek, Lukasz Szymula (2023). Young male and female scientists: A quantitative exploratory study of the changing demographics of the global scientific workforce. Quantitative Science Studies, (2023) 4 (4): 902–937.
- (228) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2023). The Young and the Old, the Fast and the Slow: A Large-Scale Study of Productivity Classes and Rank Advancement. Studies in Higher Education, On-line first, 1-16.
- (227) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists. In: The Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization. Edited by Paola Mattei, Xavier Dumay, Eric Mangez & Jacqueline Behrend. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 726-759. 2023.
- (226) [in Polish] Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka (2023). “Zawsze wysoce produktywni? Zawsze nisko produktywni? Dynamiczne ujęcie dorobku naukowego profesorów tytularnych wykorzystujące klasy produktywności”. Nauka 1/2023, 7-39. Link.
- (225) [in Polish] Marek Kwiek and Łukasz Szymula, “Profesja akademicka w ujęciu globalnym: co Big Data mówią nam o udziale kobiet w nauce? Nauka 3/2023, 45-86. Link.
- (224) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Academic vs. biological age in research on academic careers: a large-scale study with implications for scientifically developing systems. Scientometrics. 127, pages 3543–3575. PDF here.
- (223) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Are Female Scientists Less Inclined to Publish Alone? The Gender Solo Research Gap. Scientometrics. 127, 1697–1735 (2022). PDF here.
- (222) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science (in Chinese), Peking University Education Review, 20(1) 2022, 1-35. PDF here.
- Marek Kwiek, Global Vertical Stratification of Institutions and the Academic Profession: The Role of Research in Future High Participation Environments. From Actors to Reforms in (Higher) Education. Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga. Edited by M. Klemencic, Cham: Springer, 2022. PDF here.
- (221) Marek Kwiek, The Globalization of Science, Peking University Education Review, 20(1) 2022. 1-35. PDF here.
- (220) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Globalny obieg naukowy a wiek w nauce: analiza 20 000 polskich naukowców, Nauka 2/2022. 1-29. PDF here.
- (219) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Mężczyźni i kobiety w nauce: różnice na przykładzie badań prowadzonych indywidualnie. Sensus Historiae. XLVI (2022/1). 63-91. PDF here.
- (218) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Gender-Based Homophily in Research: A Large-scale Study of Man-Woman Collaboration, Journal of Informetrics. 35(3), August 2021, 101171. 1-26. PDF here.
- (217) Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Gender Disparities in International Research Collaboration: A Large-scale Bibliometric Study of 25,000 University Professors. Journal of Economic Surveys. Volume 35, Issue 5,December 2021, 1344-1380. PDF here.
- (216) Marek Kwiek, The Prestige Economy of Higher Education Journals: A Quantitative Approach. Higher Education. 81, 493–519 (2021). Gold Open Access here. PDF here.
- (215) Marek Kwiek, What Large-Scale Publication and Citation Data Tell Us About International Research Collaboration in Europe: Changing National Patterns in Global Contexts. Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 45. On-line first April 10, 2020. 1-21. PDF here.
- (214) Marek Kwiek, Two Decades of Polish Reforms (2010-2020). International Higher Education, Spring Issue 2021 (106), 36-38. PDF here.
- (213) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wojciech Roszka, Dlaczego w nauce dominuje współpraca z mężczyznami: homofilia ze względu na płeć na przykładzie 25 000 naukowców. Nauka 1/2021, 39-78. PDF here.
- (212) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Globalizacja nauki: rosnąca siła indywidualnych naukowców. Nauka 4/2021, 37-66. PDF here.
- (211) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Globalny system akademicki i stratyfikująca rola badań naukowych. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 51 (2021), 1-16. PDF here.
- (210) Marek Kwiek, Internationalists and Locals: International Research Collaboration in a Resource-Poor System. Scientometrics. Vol. 125. On-line first April 28, Gold Open Access. 2020. PDF Here.
- (209) Gianluca Quaglio, Sophie Millar, Michal Pazour, Vladimir Albrecht, Tomas Vondrak, Marek Kwiek, Klaus Schuch (2020). Exploring the Performance gap in EU Framework Programmes between EU13 and EU15 Member States. In-Depth Analysis, 1-39. Panel for the Future of Science and Technology. Strasbourg: European Parliament. Here.
- (208) Marek Kwiek, Poland: An Abundance of Doctoral Students But a Scarcity of Doctorates. In: Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, Maria Yudkevich (eds.), Doctoral Education at a Global Crossroads: An International Research Inquiry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 103-126. Here.
- (207) Marek Kwiek, Doctoral Education and the Doctoral Faculty Supervisioin Poland. In: Stanley Taylor, Margaret Kiley and Karri Holley (eds.), The Making of Doctoral Supervisors, edited by , Routledge: London and New York, 2020. 1-11. Here.
- (206) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Stratyfikacja społeczna w nauce: wprowadzenie. In: Jerzy Brzeziński (ed.), Uniwersytet XXI wieku: od Humboldta do Uniwersytetu 4.0, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2020. 131-157. Here.
- (205) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Szkolnictwo wyższe w okresie transformacji jako przedmiot analiz – w kontekście fundamentalnej roli umiędzynarodowienia badań w nowej polityce naukowej. In: Jerzy Woźnicki (ed.), Transformacja akademickiego szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce w okresie trzydziestolecia: 1989-2019. Warszawa: FRP, 2020. 43-76. Here.
- (204) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Międzynarodowa współpraca badawcza w Europie w świetle dużych danych i jej globalne konteksty. Nauka. 1/2020, s. 7-38. Here.
- (203) Marek Kwiek, Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity, London and New York: Routledge, 274 pp., 2019 (Routledge book page here).
- (202) Marek Kwiek, Internationalisation of EU Research Organisations. A Bibliometric Stocktaking Study (A Study for the European Parliament, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology). Brussels: European Parliament, 2019 (114 pp.). Here.
- (201) Marek Kwiek, Social Stratification in Higher Education: What It Means at the Micro-Level of the Individual Academic Scientist. Higher Education Quarterly. Vol. 73. Issue 3. 419-444. Here.
- (200) Marek Kwiek, Krystian Szadkowski. Higher Education Systems and Institutions: Poland. In: International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems, Pedro N. Texteira and J.C. Shin, eds. Cham: Springer, 2019. 1-20. Here.
- (199) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities: The Welfare State as a Missing Context. In: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, Hans G. Schuetze and Andrä Wolter, eds., Higher Education Reform: Looking Back – Looking Forwards. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2019 (revised edn.). 9101-128. Here.
- (198) Marek Kwiek. Private Higher Education in Developed Countries. In: International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems, Pedro N. Texteira and J.C. Shin, eds. Cham: Springer, 2019. 1-21. Here.
- (197) Marek Kwiek, Wolf Lepenies: Homo Europaeus Intellectualis revisitado. Cadernos de História da Educação. Vol. 18, No. 1. 146-159. Here.
- (196) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Umiędzynarowienie instytucji badawczych w UE. Bibliometryczne badanie przeglądowe. Brussels: European Parliament, 2019. Tutaj.
- (195) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Ekonomia prestiżu akademickiego. Ilościowe ujęcie najlepszych czasopism na przykładzie dziedziny badań nad szkolnictwem wyższym. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 11-46. Here.
- (194) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Kim są najbardziej produktywni polscy naukowcy? Produktywność badawcza w niezróżnicowanym i niekonkurencyjnym systemie nauki. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 383-436. Here.
- (193) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Internacjonaliści i miejscowi – międzynarodowa współpraca badawcza w Polsce na mikropoziomie indywidualnych naukowców. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 47-105. Here.
- (192) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek, Wprowadzenie. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 1-2(53-54)/2019, s. 7-9. Here.
- (191) Marek Kwiek. High Research Productivity in Vertically Undifferentiated Higher Education Systems: Who Are the Top Performers? Scientometrics. 115(1): 415-462. Here.
- (190) Marek Kwiek. Academic top earners. Research productivity, prestige generation, and salary patterns in European universities. Science and Public Policy. 45(1): 1-13. 2018. Here.
- (189) Marek Kwiek. International Research Collaboration and International Research Orientation: Comparative Findings About European Academics. Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 22, Issue 1 (2018). 1-25. Here.
- (188) Marek Kwiek. Poland: A Post-Communist High Partcipation System. In: Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell and Anna Smolentseva, eds., High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. 334-357. Here.
- (187) Brendan Cantwell, Romulo Pinheiro, Marek Kwiek. Governance. In: Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell and Anna Smolentseva, eds., High Particpation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. 68-93.
- (186) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State in Europe. The Uncertain Future of the Traditional Social Contract. In: Ronald Barnett and Michael Peters, eds, The Global University, volume 2, New York: Peter Lang, 2018. 176-191. Here.
- (185) Marek Kwiek. The Robust Privateness and Publicness of Higher Education: Expansion through Privatization in Poland. in: David Palfreyman, Ted Tapper and Scott Thomas, eds., Towards the Private Funding of Higher Education. Ideological and Political Struggles New York: Routledge (International Studies in Higher Education), 2018. 90-111. Here.
- (184) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Ustawa 2.0 a mierzalność i porównywalność osiągnięć naukowych. Nauka. 1/2018: 65-86. Here.
- (183) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uczelnie badawcze: geografia produkcji wiedzy w kontekście koncentracji zasobów i akumulacji prestiżu. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(51). 2018. 7-14. Here.
- (182) Marek Kwiek. De-privatization in Higher Education: A Conceptual Approach. Higher Education. 74, 259–281 (2017). Here.
- (181) Marek Kwiek. A Generational Divide in the Polish Academic Profession. A Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Approach. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 16(5) (2017). 645-669. Here.
- (180) Michael Dobbins, Marek Kwiek. Europeanisation and Globalisation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe: 25 Years of Changes Revisited (1990-2015). Introduction to a Special Issue. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 16(5) (2017) 519–528. Here.
- (179) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education, Welfare States and Austerity: Pressures on Competing Public Institutions. In: Jon Nixon (ed.), Higher Education in Austerity Europe. London: Bloomsbury. 2017. 20-38. Here.
- (178) Dominik Antonowicz, Marek Kwiek and Don F. Westerheijden. The Government Response to the Private Sector Expansion in Poland. In: H. de Boer, J. File, J. Huisman, M. Seeber, M. Vukasovic and D.F. Westerheijden, eds., Policy Analysis of Structural Reforms in Higher Education. Processes and Outcomes. Cham: Palgrave. 119-140. Here.
- (177) Marek Kwiek. La desprivatización en la educación superior: un enfoque conceptual. Revista de la Educación Superior. 2017. 1-26. Here.
- (176) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Prywatyzacja i deprywatyzacja: od ekspansji (1990–2005) do implozji (2006–2025) systemu szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Nauka. 1/2017. 39-67. Here.
- (175) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Wprowadzenie: Reforma szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce i jej wyzwania. Jak stopniowa dehermetyzacja systemu prowadzi do jego stratyfikacji. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 2(50), 2017. 9-41. Here.
- (174) [in Polish].Marek Kwiek. Najlepiej zarabiająca kadra akademicka: rola produktywności naukowej i generowania prestiżu na uniwersytetach europejskich (a Polska). Nauka. 4/2017. 2-49. Here.
- (173) Marek Kwiek. The European research elite: A cross-national study of highly productive academics in 11 countries. Higher Education 71 (3). 2016. 379-397. Here.
- (172) Marek Kwiek. From Growth to Decline? Demand-Absorbing Private Higher Education when Demand is Over. In: A Global Perspective of Private Higher Education edited by Mahsood Shah and Sid Nair, New York: Elsevier, 2016. 53-80. Here.
- (171) Marek Kwiek. Academic Entrepreneurialism and Changing Governance in Universities. Evidence from Empirical Studies. In: Multi-Level Governance in Universities. Strategy, Structure, Control, : Jetta Frost, Fabian Hattke, and Markus Reihlen (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. 49-74. Here.
- (170) Marek Kwiek. Constructing Universities as Organizations. University Reforms in Poland in the Light of Institutional Theory. In: Eugenie Samier (ed.), Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge, 2016. 193-216. Here.
- (169) Marek Kwiek. From Privatization (of the Expansion Era) to De-privatization (of the Contraction Era). A National Counter-Trend in a Global Context. In: Sheila Slaughter and Barrett Jay Taylor, editors. Higher Education, Stratification, and Workforce Development. Competitive advantage in Europe, the US and Canada. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. 311-329. Here.
- (168) Marek Kwiek. Publish or Perish? The Highly Productive Reserach Elite in European Universities from a Comparative Quantitative Perspective. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond. No. 1(7) 2016. 12-13. Here.
- (167) Marek Kwiek. Competing for Public Resources: Higher Education and Academic Research in Europe. A Cross-Sectoral Perspective. In: Wojciech Bienkowski, Josef C. Brada, Massaki Kubomiwa, eds., International Perspectives on Financing Higher Education. New York: Palgrave, 2016. 6-24. Here.
- (166) Marek Kwiek. Global University Rankings in the Polish Context: the University of Warsaw, a Case Study. Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach and Laura E. Rumbley, eds., The Global Academic Rankings Game. Changing Institutional Policy, Practice, and Academic Life, New York: Routledge. 2016. 146-170. Here.
- (165) Marek Kwiek. Changing Public-Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education. International Higher Education. No. 86 (Summer 2016). 18-20. Here.
- (164) Marek Kwiek. National Reforms and Their European Contexts: on Institutional and Instrumental Visions of the University Applied to the Polish Case. In: N. Cloete, L. Goedegebuure, A. Gornitzka, J. Jungblut and B. Stensaker (eds.), Pathways Through Higher Education Research. A Festschrift in Honour of Peter Maassen. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2016. 71-74. Here.
- (163) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Kariera akademicka w Europie: niestabilność w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(47)/2016. 205-247. Here.
- (162) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Finansowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w warunkach permanentnej (międzysektorowej) konkurencji o środki publiczne. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 1(47)/2016. 7-12. Here.
- (161) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Deprywatyzacja szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Co oznacza i jakie niesie konsekwencje? Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe. 2(48)/2016. 7-16.
- (160) [in Polish]. Antonowicz, D., Brdulak, J., Hulicka, M., Jędrzejewski, T., Kowalski, T., Kulczycki, M., Szadkowski, K., Szot, A., Wolszczak-Derlacz, J., Kwiek, M. Reformować? Nie reformować? Szerszy kontekst zmian w szkolnictwie wyższym. Nauka, Vol. 4, ss. 7–33. Here.
- (159) [in Polish]. Kwiek, M., Antonowicz, D., Brdulak, J, Hulicka, M., Jędrzejewski, T., Kowalski, R., Kulczycki, E., Szadkowski, K., Szot, A., Wolszczak-Derlacz, J. (2016). Projekt założeń do ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Here.
- (158) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Rosnąca konkurencja o zasoby: uniwersytety a inne instytucje sektora publicznego. Humaniora. Nr 3 (15)/2016. 45-59. Here.
- (157) Marek Kwiek. The unfading power of collegiality? University governance in Poland in a European comparative and quantitative perspective. International Journal of Educational Development 43, 77-89. Here.
- (156) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization of Research in Europe. A Quantitative Study of 11 National Systems from a Micro-Level Perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education, 19(2), 2015. 341-359. Here.
- (155) Marek Kwiek. Academic generations and academic work: Patterns of attitudes, behaviors and research productivity of Polish academics after 1989. Studies in Higher Education, 40(8), 1354-1376. Here.
- (154) Marek Kwiek. Non-Publishers in European Universities. International Higher Education. Number 82, Fall 2015. 10-12. Here. Translated into Spanish as “Universidades europeas que carecen de function Investigativa”. Here,. Translated into Spanish (as “Universidades europeas que carecen de function Investigativa”) and Russian (as Непубликующиеся преподаватели европейских университетов).
- (153) Marek Kwiek. Реформирование европейских университетов : государство всеобщего благосостояния как недостающий контекст. Voprosy Obrazovania/Educational Studies, No. 2 (2015), 8-39. Here.
- (152) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities: The Welfare State as a Missing Context. In: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, Hans G. Schuetze and Andrä Wolter, eds., Higher Education Reform: Looking Back – Looking Forwards. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2015. 93-117. Here.
- (151) Marek Kwiek. The Role of Individuals and Funding in University-Enterprise Partnerships in Europe. A Cross-National Approach. In: Stoilova Rumiana, Kristina Petkova, Svetla Koleva, eds. Knowledge as a Value, Scientific Knowledge as a Vocation. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad. 2015. 267-290. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad. 2015. Here.
- (150) Marek Kwiek. Inequality in Academic Knowledge Production. The Role of Research Top Performers Across Europe. In: Emanuela Reale and Emilia Primeri, eds., Universities in transition. Shifting institutional and organizational boundaries. Rotterdam: Sense, 2015. 203-230. Here.
- (149) Marek Kwiek. Интернационализация академической профессии в Европе. Количественное исследование 11 национальных систем”. Вопросы образования (Educational Studies), vol. 1 (2015). 58-87. Here.
- (148) Marek Kwiek. European Universities and Educational and Occupational Intergenerational Social Mobility. In: Hans-Uwe Otto (ed.), Facing Trajectories from School to Work. Towards a Capability-Friendly Youth Policy in Europe. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015. 87-114.Here.
- (147) Marek Kwiek, Dominik Antonowicz. The Changing Paths in Academic Careers in European Universities: Minor Steps and Major Milestones. In: Tatiana Fumasoli, Gaele Goastellec and Barbara M. Kehm (eds.), Academic Careers in Europe – Trends, Challenges, Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. 41-68. Here.
- (146) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Podzielony uniwersytet. Od deinstytucjonalizacji do reinstytucjonalizacji misji badawczej polskich uczelni. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 3-34. Tutaj.
- (145) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Międzypokoleniowa ruchliwość społeczna: szkolnictwo wyższe a drabina edukacyjna i zawodowa w Polsce. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 170-202. Tutaj.
- (144) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Słowo wstępne: W obliczu nadchodzącej fali reform szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce. Argumentacja i wizja wspierająca najważniejsze kierunki zmian. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 2(46). 2015. 7-16. Tutaj.
- (143) Marek Kwiek. “Internationalists” and “Locals” in Research: Similar Productivity Patterns Across Europe. International Higher Education. No. 83. Special Issue. 7-9. Here. Tranlated into Spanish (as “Internacionalistas” y “locales” en la investigación: patrones de productividad similares en toda Europa) and Russian (as Интернационализация и научная продуктивность ученых в Европе: схожие тенденции).
- (142) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Słowo wstępne: czym są i czym nie są naukowe badania szkolnictwa wyższego? Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 7-11. Tutaj.
- (141) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Nierówności w produkcji wiedzy naukowej – rola najbardziej produktywnych naukowców w 11 krajach europejskich. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 269-308. Tutaj.
- (140) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Umiędzynarodowienie badań naukowych. Polska kadra akademicka z perspektywy europejskiej. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe 1(45). 2015. 39-74. Tutaj.
- (139) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Reformy uniwersytetów europejskich: państwo dobrobytu jako brakujący kontekst badań i polityki publicznej. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo. Vol. 39, 2015, 165-196. Tutaj.
- (138) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Młoda kadra: różnice międzypokoleniowe w pracy naukowej i produktywności badawczej. Czym Polska różni się od Europy Zachodniej? Nauka 3/2015. 51-88. Here.
- (137) Marek Kwiek. “Strong Research Performers” vs. “Strong Teaching Performers” in European Higher Education: a Comparative Quantitative Perspective. Comparative and International Higher Education. Vol. 6 (2014). 20-27. Here.
- (136) Marek Kwiek. “From System Expansion to System Contraction: Access to Higher Education in Poland”. In: Anna Mountford-Zimdars, David Sabbagh and David Post, eds., Fair Access to Higher Education. Global Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 193-215.
- (135) Marek Kwiek. Internationalization and Research Productivity: “Internationalists” and “Locals” in Polish Universities. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond. No. 2. Fall. 2014, 13-15. Here.
- (134) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization of the Polish Academic Profession. A European Comparative Approach. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik. 2014. Vol. 60, No. 5. 681-695. Here.
- (133) Marek Kwiek. Structural Changes in the Polish Higher Education System (1990-2010): a Synthetic View. European Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 4. No. 3. 2014. 266-280. Here.
- (132) Marek Kwiek. Social Perceptions versus Economic Returns of the Higher Education: The Bologna Process in Poland. In: Tamás Kozma, Magdolna Rébay, Andrea Óhidy, and Éva Szolár (eds.), The Bologna Process in Central and Eastern Europe. Dordrecht: Springer. 147-182. Here.
- (131) Marek Kwiek. Changing higher education and welfare states in postcommunist Central Europe: New contexts leading to new typologies? Human Affairs. Vol. 24. No. 1. 48-87. Here.
- (130) Marek Kwiek, Emil Visnovsky. Introductory. Human Affairs. Vol. 24. No. 1. 1-10.
- (129) Marek Kwiek. Knowledge Production, Regional Engagement and Higher Education in Poland. In: Higher Education in the World 5: Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change (GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities). Palgrave Macmillan. 217-220.
- (128) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytet jako „wspólnota badaczy”? Polska z europejskiej perspektywy porównawczej i ilościowej. Nauka i szkolnictwo wyższe (2014), No. 2. (2014). 71-101. Tutaj.
- (127) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytety, produkcja wiedzy i konkurencyjność gospodarcza w Europie Środkowej. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, Warszawa, nr 1–2/43–44/2014. 91-116. Tutaj.
- (126) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Przyszłość uniwersytetów w Europie: motywy dyskusji i ich polskie konteksty. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, Warszawa, nr 1–2/43–44/2014. 71-90. Tutaj.
- (125) [in Polish]. Marek Kwiek. Reformy instytucji europejskiego uniwersytetu: napięcia, kolizje, wyzwania. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom LVII-LVIII (2013), ss. 265-287. Tutaj.
- (124) Marek Kwiek, ed. (2013). European Universities: Changing Roles and Functions in New Environments. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35. No. 1. 1-257. See here.
- (123) Marek Kwiek. The Theory and Practice of Academic Entrepreneurialism: Transborder Polish-German Institutions. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (122) Marek Kwiek. Polish Universities, Their Regions and Their Impact on Economic Growth. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (121) Marek Kwiek. Introduction: European Universities and Their Changing Roles and Functions. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013).Here.
- (120) Marek Kwiek, Heidi Fichter-Wolf. Introduction: German-Polish Transborder Universities in a Challenging Environment. Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Vol. 35 (2013). Here.
- (119) Marek Kwiek, Dominik Antonowicz. Academic Work, Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction. In: Ulrich Teichler and Ester Ava Höhle (eds.), The Work Situation of the Academic Profession in Europe: Findings of a Survey in Twelve European Countries. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. 37-54. Here.
- (118) Marek Kwiek. From System Expansion to System Contraction. Access to Higher Education in Poland. Comparative Education Review. Vol. 57. No. 3. 553-576. Here.
- (117) Marek Kwiek. From System Expansion to System Contraction. Access to Higher Education in Poland. A short version in: Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler and John Brennan (eds.), The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education. Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 2013. 233-258. Here.
- (116) Marek Kwiek. Marketization, Privatization, and Declining Demographics: Their Impact on Polish Higher Education. International Studies in Education. Vol. 13. No. 3. 2012. 12-20. Here.
- (115) Marek Kwiek. Reforming European Universities and Reforming European Welfare States: Parallel Drivers of Change? In: International Workshop on Higher Education Reform. Higher education reforms: looking back looking forward: workshop proceedings.Here.
- (114) Marek Kwiek. Les universités en contexte de mutations économiques et sociales. Une dépendance sans précédent? In: Alain Renaut (ed.), Observatoire européen des politiques universitaires. Politiques universitaires et politiques de développement. Paris: Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS). 39-58. Here.
- (113) Marek Kwiek. Marek Kwiek. The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise in Europe: A Panoramic View. European Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 2. Issue 2-3. 112-131. Here. Abstract here.
- (112) Universities and Knowledge Production in Central Europe. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 11. No. 1 (2012). 111-126. Here. Abstract here.
- (111) Marek Kwiek. Changing Higher Education Policies: From the Deistitutionalization to the Reinstitutionalization of the Research Mission in Polish Universities. Science and Public Policy. Vol. 39. Issue 5. 641-654. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scs042. Here. Abstract here.
- (110) Marek Kwiek. Universities, Regional Development and Economic Competitiveness: the Polish Case. In: Romulo Pinheiro, Paul Benneworth and Glen Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessement of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge. 69-85. Here.
- (109) Marek Kwiek. Public-Private Intersectoral Competition: Fees and Declining Demographics. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. Vol 42. Issue 1 (2012). 153-157. Here.
- (108) Marek Kwiek. Poland’s System: Contraction and Implications. International Higher Education. Vol. 69. Fall 2012. 25-26. Here. PDF here.
- (107) Marek Kwiek. Academic Responses to the Modernisation Agenda of European Universities (with Andrzej Kurkiewicz). In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 19-26. Here.
- (106) Marek Kwiek. The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise in Europe: A Panoramic View. In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 27-60 (a short version in: European Journal of Higher Education. First online: DOI:10.1080/21568235.2012.702477). Here.
- (105) Marek Kwiek. Concluding Remarks: European Strategies and Higher Education. In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 333-360. Here.
- (104) Marek Kwiek. Changes in Higher Education in European Peripheries and Their Contexts: Poland, Norway, and Europe (with Peter Maassen). In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 11-40. Here.
- (103) Marek Kwiek. The Public/Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education. Demand-Absorbing Private Sector Growth and Its Implications. In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 127-154. Here.
- (102) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education Reforms and Their Socio-Economic Contexts: Shifting Funding Regimes and Competing Social Narratives. In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 155-178. Here.
- (101) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education in Turbulent Times. Concluding Reflections (with Peter Maassen). In: Marek Kwiek and Peter Maassen (eds.), National Higher Education Reforms in a European Context: Comparative Reflections on Poland and Norway. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012. 227-242. Here.
- (100) Marek Kwiek. Creeping Marketization: Where Polish Public and Private Higher Education Sectors Meet. In: Roger Brown (ed.), Higher Education and the Market. New York: Routledge. 2011. 135-145. Here.
- (99) Marek Kwiek. Universities and Knowledge Production in Central Europe. In: Paul Temple (ed.), Universities in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Organisation and Global Change. New York: Routledge. 2011. 176-195. Here. An expanded version published in European Educational Research Journal, Volume 11, Number 1, 2012, pp. 111-126: here, abstract here.
- (98) Nina Arnhold, Marek Kwiek. Enabling Smart Growth for Poland Through Education and Skills Supply. In: Fueling Growth and Competitiveness in Poland Through Employment, Skills, and Innovation. Volume 2. Washington DC: World Bank. 2011. 97-130. Here.
- (97) Marek Kwiek. Polish Private Higher Education, Politics, and Demographics. International Higher Education. No. 64. Summer 2011. 19-22.Here. Chinese version here Spanish version here Russian version here
- (86) Marek Kwiek. The Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education. Demand-Absorbing Private Growth and Its Implications. Higher Education Forum. RIHE – Hiroshima. No. 8 (3). 2011. 121-147. Here.
- (95) Marek Kwiek. Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Malcolm Tight (ed.), Higher Education. New York: Routledge. 2010. Vol. 3.
- (94) Marek Kwiek. Entrepreneurialism and Private Higher Education in Europe. In: Michael Shattock (ed.), Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2009. pp. 100-120. Here.
- (93) Marek Kwiek. Globalisation: Re-Reading Its Impact on the Nation-State, the University, and Educational Policies in Europe. In: Maarten Simons, Michael Peters, and Marl Olssen (eds.), Re-Reading Education Policies: Studying the Policy Agenda for the 21st Century. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009. pp. 195-215. Here.
- (92) Marek Kwiek. The Changing Attractiveness of European Higher Education: Current Developments, Future Challenges, and Major Policy Implications. In: Barbara Kehm, Jeroen Huisman and Bjorn Stensaker (eds.), The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a Moving Target. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009. pp. 107-124. Here.
- (91) Marek Kwiek. The Changing Attractiveness of European Higher Education: Current Developments, Future Challenges, and Major Policy Implications. A shorter version also in European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 8. No. 2 (2009), pp. 219-236, here.
- (90) Marek Kwiek. What Is the Public Role of the University? A Proposal for a Public Research Agenda. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 8. No. 2. 249-255. (with Gert Biesta, Graham Locke). Here.
- (89) Marek Kwiek. The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education. Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access. In: Jane Knight (ed.),Financing Access and Equity in Higher Education. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. 2009. pp. 149-168. Here.
- (88) Marek Kwiek. The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education. Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access. A shorter version published in R. D. Reisz /M. Stock (Hrsg.), Die hochschule. Journal fuer Wissenschaft und Bildung. 2/2008. pp. 94-113, here.
- (87) Marek Kwiek. Academic Entrepreneurship vs. Changing Governance and Institutional Management Structures at European Universities.Policy Futures in Education. Vol. 6. No. 6. pp. 757-770. Here.
- (86) Marek Kwiek. Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education Management and Policy. Vol. 20. No. 1. 2008. pp. 89-110. Here.
- (85) Marek Kwiek. Accessibilite et equite, lois du marche et entrepreneuriat: developpements dans l’enseignement superieur en Europe centrale et de l’Est. Politiques et gestion de l’enseignement superieur. Vol. 20. No. 1. 2008. pp. 1-25. Here.
- (84) Marek Kwiek. Higher Education and the Nation-State: Global Pressures on Educational Institutions. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology. Vol. 45. No. 1. April 2008. pp. 109-131. Here.
- (83) Marek Kwiek. Revisiting the Classical German Idea of the University (on the Nationalization of a Modern Institution). Polish Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2008 pp. 55-78. Here. Full version in 2006 as a CPP RP here.
- (82) Marek Kwiek. The University and the Welfare State in Transition: Changing Public Services in a Wider Context. In: Debbie Epstein et al.World Yearbook of Education 2008. Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education. New York: Routledge. 2007. pp. 32-50. Here.
- (81) Marek Kwiek. The European Integration of Higher Education and the Role of Private Higher Education. In: Daniel C. Levy and Snejana Slantcheva (eds.), Private Higher Education in Post-Communist Europe. In Search of Legitimacy. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan. 2007. pp. 119-132. Here.
- (80) Marek Kwiek. The Welfare State and Higher Education on Their Way Towards Privatisation. Global and Transition Economies’ Perspectives. Der Offentliche Sektor. 3/2007. Wien: Technischen Universitaet Wien. 2007. pp. 9-24. Here.
- (79) Marek Kwiek. The Future of the Welfare State and Democracy: the Effects of Globalization from a European Perspective. In: E. Czerwinska-Schupp (ed.), Values and Norms in the Age of Globalization. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2007. pp. 147-172. Here.
- (78) Marek Kwiek, Piotr W. JuchaczDoctoral Education in Poland. In: S.Powell and H. Green (eds.), The Doctorate Worldwide. Maidenhead and New York: Open University Press. McGraw Hill. 2007. pp. 77-97. Here.
2006 and before
- (77) Marek Kwiek. The Classical German Idea of the University Revisited, or on the Nationalization of the Modern Institution. Center for Public Policy Research Papers Series, vol. 1 (2006). Poznan: CPP AMU. 2006. pp. 1-44. Here. View abstract here.
- (76) Marek Kwiek. The Harmonisation of European Educational Policies vs. Private Institutions in the Transition Countries. Prospero. A Journal of New Thinking in Philosophy for Education. Vol. 12. No. 1. 2006. 47-54. Here.
- (75) Marek Kwiek. The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 3. No. 4, 2004, pp. 759-776: download here, and
- (74) Marek Kwiek. The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European V. Tomusk (ed.), Creating the European Area of Higher Education. Voices from the Periphery, Dordrecht: Springer, 2006, pp. 87-116: download here.
- (73) Marek Kwiek. The Institution of the University: the Perspective of the Discourse on the European Higher Education and Research Space, Jan de Groof and Gracienne Lauwers (eds.), Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe. Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers. pp. 287-300. 2006. Here.
- (72) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State in a Global Age: renegotiating the traditional social contract? European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 4. No. 4. 2005, 2006, 324-341. Here.
- (71) Marek Kwiek. The State, the Market, and Higher Education. Challenges for the New Century. In: Marek Kwiek (ed.), The University, Globalization, Central Europe, Frankfurt a/Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 71-114. Here.
- (70) Marek Kwiek. The International Attractiveness of the Academic Profession in Europe: The Case of Poland. In: The International Attractiveness of the Academic Workplace in Europe ed. by J. Enders and E. de Weert, Frankfurt/Main: GEW, 2004, pp.332-349. Here.
- (69) Marek Kwiek. Doctoral Degrees and Qualifications in the Context of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research and Innovation Area: Poland. In: Doctoral Studies and Qualifications in Europe and the United States: Status and Prospects, ed. by J. Sadlak. UNESCO-CEPES Publications, 2004, pp.119-134. Here.
- (68) Marek Kwiek. Education and Human Rights in Poland. In: No Person Shall Be Denied the Right To Education: The influence of the European convention on human rights on the right to education and rights in; educacation, Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (editors), Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, pp. 407-420.
- (67) Marek Kwiek. The Nation State, Globalization, and the Modern Institution of the University. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, No. 96, December 2000, pp. 74-99. Here. Reprinted in Marek Kwiek (ed.), The University, Globalization, Central Europe. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, pp. 235-260,
- (66) Marek Kwiek. Academe in Transition: Transformations in the Polish Academic Profession. In: Philip G. Altbach (ed.), The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Developing and Middle-Income Countries, Boston College, CIHE, 2002, pp. 281-305.Here.
- (65) Marek Kwiek. El Ocaso del guru, ed. Manuel Gil Anton, Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 2004, pp.371-400). Here.
- (64) Marek Kwiek. Academe in Transition: Transformations in the Polish Academic Profession. Higher Education. Vol. 43, pp. 455-476, 2003.
- (63) Marek Kwiek. Marek Kwiek. The Missing Link: Public Policy for the Private Sector in Central and East European Higher Education, Society for Research into Higher Education Internatonal News, London: Open University Press, 2/2003, pp. 5-7. Here.
- (62) Marek Kwiek. Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Transformation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no. 3, Fall 2001, pp. 399-411. here. Also French and Russian editions (dowload a French version as a PDF file here); (download a Russian version as a PDF file).
- (61) Marek Kwiek. Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Transformation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no. 3, Fall 2001. A French version as a PDF file here.
- (60) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. Here. Also French and Russian editions: (downolad a French version as a PDF file here) (download a Russian version as a PDF file)
- (59) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. A French version as a PDF file here.
- (58) Marek Kwiek. Globalization and Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, London: Carfax Publishing, vol. XVI, no.1, Spring 2001, pp. 27-39. A Russian edition (PDF file here)
- (57) Marek Kwiek. Freedom and Globalization, In: P. Juchacz, R. Kozlowski, editors, Freiheit und Verantwortung. Moral, Recht und Politik, Frankfurt a/Main: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2002, pp. 107-117. Here.
- (56) Marek Kwiek. The Internationalization and Globalization of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Society for Research into Higher Education International News, No. 47, London: Open University Press, November 2001, pp. 3-5. Here.
- (55) Marek Kwiek. Central European Higher Education and Global Pressures: the Three Aspects of Globalization. In: Z. Drozdowicz (ed.),Transformations, Adaptations, and Integrations. Global and Local Problems, Poznan: Humaniora, 2001, pp. 161-173. Here.
- (54) Marek Kwiek. Agents, Spectators and Social Hope: Richard Rorty and American Intellectuals. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York and London: Berghahn Books, No. 101, June 2003, pp. 25-49. Here.
- (53) Marek Kwiek. Wolf Lepenies: Homo Europaea Intellectualis Revisited. In: E. Czerwinska-Schupp (Hrsg.), Philosophie an der Schwelle des 21. Jahrhunderdts, Frankfurt a/Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 329-348). Here.
- (52) Marek Kwiek. After Philosophy: The Novelist as Cultural Hero of Modernity? On Richard Rorty’s New Pragmatism. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, New York and London: Berghahn Books, No. 92, December 1998, pp. 77-97. Here.
- (51) Marek Kwiek. Zygmunt Bauman and the Question of the Intellectual in Postmodernity. Working Paper Series, The Center for Western European Studies, University of California at Berkeley. No. 22, 1998. Here.
- (50) Marek Kwiek. The Institution of the University: the Perspective of the Discourse on the European Higher Education and Research Space, Jan de Groof and Gracienne Lauwers (eds.), Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe. Antwerpen: Wolf Legal Publishers. pp. 287-300. 2006. Here.
Selected papers in Polish:
2013 and before:
- (49) Marek Kwiek. Reformy instytucji europejskiego uniwersytetu: napięcia, kolizje, wyzwania. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom LVII-LVIII. Kraków. 2013. 265-287. Tutaj.
- (48) Marek Kwiek. Dokąd zmierzają międzynarodowe badania porównawcze szkolnictwa wyższego? W: Piotr Orlik i Krzysztof Przybyszewski (red.), Filozofia a sfera publiczna. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2012. 449-468. Tutaj.
- (47) Marek Kwiek. Komisja Europejska a uniwersytety: różnicowanie i izomorfizacja systemów edukacyjnych w Europie. W: M. Domaradzki et al. (red.), Język, rozumienie, komunikacja. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2011. 211-224. Tutaj.
- (46) Marek Kwiek. Co to znaczy atrakcyjny uniwersytet? Różne konsekwencje transformacji instytucjonalnych dla różnych interesariuszy. W: C. Kościelniak i J. Makowski (red.), Wolność, równość, uniwersytet. Warszawa: Instytut Obywatelski. 2012. 73-110. Tutaj.
- (45) Marek Kwiek. Przyszłośc polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego. Sprawy nauki. Nr 11 (150). Warszawa: Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. 2009. 28-35. Tutaj.
- (44) Marek Kwiek. Fenomen (publicznych) uniwersytetów przedsiębiorczych w Europie. Szerszy kontekst rozważań. W: A. Grzegorczyk i J. Sójka (red.), Fenomen Uniwersytetu. Poznań: Wyd. Naukowe UAM. 2008. 181-204. Tutaj.
- (43) Marek Kwiek. Uniwersytet a państwo w epoce globalnej. Renegocjacja tradycyjnego kontraktu społecznego? Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej. Tom XLIII-XLIV (2005/2006), Kraków. 2006. 43-80. Tutaj.
- (42) Marek Kwiek. Nowe konteksty myślenia o edukacji w Europie: przykład globalizacji. W: S. Amsterdamski (red.), Globalizacja i co dalej? Warszawa: IFIS PAN. 2004. 258-280. Tutaj.
- (41) Marek Kwiek. Narodziny uniwersytetu z ducha nowoczesności. Uwagi o transformacjach instytucji w epoce globalnej. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, tom XXXVII-XXVIII. 2004. 45-62. Tutaj.
- (40) Marek Kwiek. Miejsce filozofii na uniwersytecie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość. W: E. Piotrowska i J. Wiśniewski (red.),Dydaktyka filozofii u progu XXI wieku. Poznań: Humaniora. 2002. 111-126. Tutaj.
- (39) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia – demokracja – uniwersytet. Wyzwania epoki globalizacji. W: P. W. Juchacz i R. Kozłowski (red.), Filozofia a demokracja. Poznań: Wyd. Nauk. IF UAM. 2001. 193-207. Tutaj.
- (38) Marek Kwiek. Melancholia – utopia – intelektualiści (czytając Wolfa Lepeniesa). M. Szcześniak (red.), Między humanistyką a przyrodoznawstwem. Poznań: WN IF UAM. 2000. 133-149. Tutaj.
- (37) Marek Kwiek. Knowledge and History. The New French Humanities and Deleuze’s Nietzscheanizm. Master of Business Administrartion. A Journal. Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości. 2000. Warszawa. 26-32. Tutaj.
- (36) Marek Kwiek. Kryzys tożsamości. Filozoficzne pytania o uniwersytet jako instytucję nowoczesną. Humaniora 11/2000. Poznań. 1-10.
- (35) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia, polityka i dwa typy perswazji kulturowej. W: R. Liberkowski (red.), O sprawiedliwości. Poznań: Wyd. Naukowe IF UAM. 2000. 131-154. Tutaj.
- (34) Marek Kwiek. Już nigdy nie będzie tak, jak dawniej. Nowoczesność, globalizacja, uniwersytet. Przegląd Bydgoski. Vol. XI. Bydgoszcz. 2000. 9-28.
- (33) Marek Kwiek. Tożsamość narodowa – państwo narodowe – demokracja. Filozoficzne i polityczne wyzwania epoki globalizacyjnej. W: Z. Drozdowicz, Z. W. Puślecki (red.), Przezwyciężanie barier w integrującej się Europie. Humaniora. Poznań. 2000. 73-81.Tutaj.
- (32) Marek Kwiek. O autowizerunku filozofa. Między tekstem a wspólnotą. Opcje. Dwumiesięcznik kulturalny. 4. 2000. Katowice. 14-25. Tutaj.
- (31) Marek Kwiek. The Identity Crisis? Philosophical Questions about the University as a Modern Institution. In: K. Glass, Z. Drozdowicz (eds.), Europaeisierung der Bildungssysteme. Poznań-Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Mitteleuropaeische Studien. 2000. 23-37. Tutaj.
- (30) Marek Kwiek. Jakiegoż to adwersarza, jakiegoż wroga należy pokonać? (Hegel – Nietzsche – Deleuze). Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Nr 3 (21). 1999. 107-115.
- (29) Marek Kwiek. Paul de Man, filozofia, polityka. W: R. Liberkowski (red.), Filozofia a polityka. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 91-124. Tutaj.
- (28) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia a nauka i literatura w ponowoczesności. Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii socjologii teoretycznej. Tom XXI-XXII. Kraków: Aureus. 1998. 159-174. Tutaj.
- (27) Marek Kwiek. Filozofia – polityka – zmienianie świata (francuski heglizm: między pracą tekstualną a propagandą polityczną). W: T. Buksiński (red.), Idee filozoficzne w polityce. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 193-213. Tutaj.
- (26) Marek Kwiek. Kant – Nietzsche – Foucault. Rzecz o dawaniu przykładów w filozofii. W: M. Kwiek (red.), ‘Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…’ Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 199-238. Tutaj.
- Marek Kwiek. Michel Foucault – rozdział polski (appendix mniej filozoficzny). W: M. Kwiek (red.), ‘Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…’ Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1998. 289-302. Tutaj.
- (25) Marek Kwiek. Between the Community and the Text (French Philosophy, Politics, and the Figure of the Intellectual – from Sartre to Foucault). Trames. An International Journal of the Humanities and Social Science. No. 2. Vol. 2 (52/47). 1998. Tallin: Academy of Sciences Publishers. 165-185. Tutaj.
- (24) Marek Kwiek. Postmodernism, Science, Philosophy. 2B. A Journal of Ideas. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, No. 13-14 (1998). 29-46. Tutaj.
- (23) Marek Kwiek. Intellectuals in Postmodernity? In: G. Bianchi, E. Visnovsky (eds.), Discourse – Intellectuals – Social Communication. Bratislava: Veda Publishers. 1997. 294-305. Tutaj.
- (22) Marek Kwiek. On the Tragic Differend (Dilemmas of Lyotard – Dilemmas of Postmodernisty). Lingua ac communitas. No. 7 (Summer) 1997. 75-88. Tutaj.
- (21) Marek Kwiek. Indywidualizm jako ideał moralny (czytając Charlesa Taylora). W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Kulturowe konteksty idei filozoficznych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1997. 21-36. Tutaj.
- (20) Marek Kwiek. Romantyzm i pragmatyzm Richarda Rorty’ego. W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Kulturowe konteksty idei filozoficznych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1997. 131-150. Tutaj.
- (19) Marek Kwiek. Przeciw tyranii Hegla, albo przechadzka po francuskiej myśli ponowoczesnej. W: R. Kozłowski (red.), Hegel a współczesność. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk. 1997. 139-148. Tutaj.
- (18) Marek Kwiek. Bataille – między Heglem a Nietzschem? Opcje. Kwartalnik kulturalny. 4(19). 1997. 96-103.
- (17) Marek Kwiek. Polski postmodernizm? Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury. 1997. 34-43.
- (16) Marek Kwiek. „Powinni tylko iść za tym, który prowadzi…”, czyli o filozofii i polityce (Sartre – Barthes – Foucault ). W: A. Jamroziakowa (red.), Rewizje – kontynuacje. Sztuka i estetyka w czasach transformacji. Poznań: Humaniora. 1997. 51-74. Tutaj.
- (15) Marek Kwiek. Rorty a autokreacja. W: A. Szahaj (red.), Między pragmatyzmem a postmodernizmem. Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK. 1995 123-137. Tutaj.
- (14) Marek Kwiek. Włóczęgostwo filozoficzne. Esej o Zygmuncie Baumanie. W: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (red.), Trudna ponowoczesność. Poznań: Humaniora. 1995. 85-103. Tutaj.
- (13) Marek Kwiek. Znak historii (Lyotard, Rorty, Foucault). W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Szkice z filozofii kultury. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1994. 51-65. Tutaj.
- (12) Marek Kwiek. Dlaczego neopragmatyzm kocha literaturę, czyli o wyższości ‘mądrości powieści’ nad ‘mądrością filozofii’. W: A. Pałubicka (red.), Szkice z filozofii kultury. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1994. 83-103. Tutaj.
- (11) Marek Kwiek. Lyotardowskiej wzniosłości motywy estetyczne, etyczne i polityczne. W: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (red.), Sztuka i estetyka po awangardzie a filozofia postmodernistyczna. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury. 1994. 136-152.
- (10) Marek Kwiek. Richarda Rorty’ego postmodernistyczny świat ironii. Kultura współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Krytyka. Nr 1. 1993. 56-66.Tutaj.
- (9) Marek Kwiek. Richard Rorty jako filozof rekontekstualizacji. W: A. Jamroziakowa (red.), Inspiracje postmodernistyczne w humanistyce. Poznańskie studia z filozofii nauki. Tom 13. 1993. 243-264. Tutaj.
- (8) Marek Kwiek. On Some Richard Rorty’s Evolution. Ruch Filozoficzny. Toruń. Tom L. Nr 2. 1993. 195-200. Tutaj.
- (7) Marek Kwiek. Nowe rekonfiguracje wiedzy i władzy. Instytucja uniwersytetu a klasyczne powojenne państwo dobrobytu. Studia Pedagogiczno-Artystyczne. Nr 1. Warszawa-Kalisz. 2006. 35-50. Tutaj.
Książki / Books:
- (6) Marek Kwiek. Dylematy tożsamości. Wokół autowizerunku filozofa w powojennej myśli francuskiej. Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1999.Tutaj.
- (5) Marek Kwiek. Rorty’s Elective Affinities. The New Pragmatism and Postmodern Thought. Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1999. Tutaj.
- (4) Marek Kwiek. Rorty i Lyotard. W labiryntach postmoderny. Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM. 1995. Tutaj.
- (3) Marek Kwiek. The University and the State. A Study into Global Transformations: A Ukrainian translation: Університет і держава Вивчення глобальних трансформацій. Марек Квієк, Університет і держава. Вивчення глобальних трансформацій, Київ – Таксон – 2009. Tutaj.
- (2) Marek Kwiek. “Nie pytajcie mnie, kim jestem…” Michel Foucault dzisiaj. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM, 1998. Tutaj.
- (1) Marek Kwiek and Taras Finikov (2001). The Polish Law on Higher Education: Experience and Lessons. Kiev: Taxon Publishing House. PDF here.
Keynote Speeches and international seminars (prior to 2020 only):
- (2019) Keynote Speech, “The Deeply Divided Academic Profession, or Multi-Level Policy Implications of Social Stratification in Higher Education”. The 5th CEHEC Conference at CEU/Corvinus University, Budapest: the 5th “Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference” (April 12, 2019). Attendence: 50.
- (2018) Keynote Speech, “Patterns of Social Stratification in Science”, SRHE Annnual Research Conference 2018, Society for Research into Higher Education, Celtic Manor, Newport, the UK, December 5, 2018. Attendence: 400.
- (2018) Opening Keynote Speech, “International Research Collaboration – the European Evidence and Policy Implications”, the EFC (European Foundation Center) Research Forum Conference 2018, Hannover, Germany, 17 October, 2018. Attendence: 200.
- (2018) Keynote Speech, “Internationalists and Locals in Research. Lessons from International Comparative Academic Profession Studies”, a conference Internationalisation of Higher Education across Europe: rationales, representations of international students and teaching excellence, 7th June 2018, Keele University, Keele, the UK (via Skype)
- (2018) – Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany, IZWT Kolloquium invited lecture: ”Top Performers” and ”Top Earners” across European Universities: High Research Productivity and High Academic Incomes Explored”, January 2018.
- (2017) Warsaw, Poland – Gala Speech at the LUMEN 2017 Leaders in University Management Annual Conference, “Competition, Measurability, and Comparability in Science as a Challenge to the Polish Science System”, November 2017.
- (2016) Cambridge, the UK – CHER 29th Annual Conference, University of Cambridge, “De-Privatization in Higher Education. A Conceptual Approach Generated by Recent Empirical Evidence”, September 2016;
- (2016) Budapest, Hungary – 2nd Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference, Central European University, Keynote Speech, “The Growing Social Stratification in European Universities: Research Productivity and Collaboration as Key Change Drivers?”, June 2016
- (2016) Seoul, South Korea – Conference “Research Collaboration and Entrepreneur Activities in the Knowledge Society”, Seoul National University, presentation on “Patterns of University Salaries Across Europe: Age, Gender, and Academic Disciplines”, April 2016
- (2015) Aveiro, Portugal – Conference “Academic profession in knowledge based society: the project conceptual and methodological definition”, University of Aveiro, presentation on “Major Theories of Research Productivity and Empirical Findings about New Entrants to the Polish Academe”, September 2015
- (2015) Cracow, Poland – Keynote Speech, Conference “Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe”, Cracow University of Economics, “The Polish Academic Profession: What We Know, What We Do Not Know, and What We Would Like to Know – from a European Comparative Perspective”, April 2015
- (2014) Poznan, Poland – Opening Speech, 20th Anniversary of the Compostela Group of Universities, “The European Research Ultra-Elite. What They Think and How They Work? A Cross-National Study of Highly Productive Academics in 11 Countries”, October 2014
- (2014) Rome, Italy, CHER – Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Annual Conference, September 2014, “The European Research Ultra-Elite. A Cross-National Study of Highly Productive Academics in 11 Countries”.
- (2014) Rotterdam, the Netherlands, EGOS – 30th EGOS Colloquiem, June 2014. “University Reforms vs. Academic Beliefs and Attitudes. Towards Universities as Organizations”. PDF here.
- (2014) Kiev, Ukraine, The Ministry of Science and Science and USAID, June-July 2014. Workshops on Higher Education Strategies, Reform Planning and Reform Implementation. The Political Economy of (Higher) Education Reform. PDF here.The Content and Structure of National Higher Education Strategies, Their Roles in the Reform Gestation, Adoption, and Implementation. PDF here.Polish Higher Education Reforms. An Overview of a Success Story. PDF here.Missions, Visions, and Strategies in Higher Education Reforms. A Practical Approach. PDF here. Trends in Higher Education in Europe (and Central Europe). PDF here.
- (2014) London, the UK, Institute of Education. March 2014. CHES Guest Lecture Series: “Academic Behaviours, Attitudes, and Productivity. Poland in a European Quantitative and Comparative Perspectives”. PDF here.
- (2014) Oslo, Norway – Conference “European Integration in Western Balkans”, presentation on “Private Higher Education in Europe: Looking into the Future”, University of Oslo, February 2014
- (2014) Paris, France – Meeting of UNESCO Chairs in Higher Education, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, “ UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research: a Polish Case”, January 2014
- (2013) Ljubljana, Slovenia – 10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (WHER), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, “Reforming European Universities and Reforming European Welfare States: Parallel Drivers of Change?”, October 2013, PDF here.
- (2013) Warsaw, Poland – International University-Business Forum. European Commission and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Panel chair: Universities and Technology Transfer. October 2013
- (2013) Moscow, Russia – International Conference on High Participation Systems and Russian Educational Research Association (RERA) Annual Conference, Higher School of Economics, “Universal Access in a Contracting System. Challenges, Implications, and Policy Dilemmas”, September 2013
- (2013) Lausanne, Switzerland. CHER 2013 Annual Conference (Consortium for Higher Education Researchers), September 2013. “The Deinstitutionalization and the Reinstitutionalization of the Research Mission in Polish Universities”. PDF here.
- (2013) Warsaw, Poland – “Financing Higher Education International Conference”, presentation on “Changing Contexts and Rationales: Trends in Teaching and Research Funding from a European Cross-National Perspective”, June 2013
- (2013) Brussels, Belgium – The Fifth European University-Business Forum (UBF), European Commission. Rapporteur, May 2013
- (2013) Gothenburg, Sweden – WORKABLE conference, University of Gothenburg, “Labour-market trajectories of young Europeans. Educational and occupational intergenerational social mobility in the light of evidence from the EU-SILC (a European comparative perspective)”, December 2011
- (2011) Ljubljana, Slovenia. Internationalisation and globalisation processes and their impact on national higher education systems. “Higher Education, Politics and Demographics in the Times of Educational Contraction”. November 2011.
- (2011) Sopot, Poland. Keynote Speaker. Polish EU Presidency Conference: The Modernization of Higher Education. “The Growing Complexity of the Academic Enterprise. Challenges Ahead”. October 2011.
- Berlin, Germany. ECER – the annual European Conference on Educational Research. Chair: “Europeanisation of Higher Education”. September 2011.
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “The New Public-Private Dynamics in Polish Higher Education”, January, 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “Higher Education Funding in Poland: Traps of Financial Self-Reliance?”, January 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, “Contexts for Polish Higher Education Reforms 2008-2010: De-institutionalization, Competing Social Narratives, and the Private Sector Growth”, December 2010
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “Creeping Marketization: Where Polish Private and Public Higher Education Sectors Meet”, September 2009
- Oslo, Norway – NORPOL conference, University of Oslo, “The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education: Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access”, September 2009
- Ann Arbor, USA. University of Michigan. Towards a European Higher Education Area: Bologna Process and Beyond. “Equitable Access to Higher Education”, March 2009.
- OECD Thematic Review Seminar on the “Review of Tertiary Education”, Budapest, Hungary, November 2008 (invited lecture) Marek Kwiek, “Tertiary Education and Regional Economic Competitiveness and Innovation from a Central European Perspective”
- University of Ghent, Belgium, 18-20 May, 2008, General Rapporteur to the conference “Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe’s Potential – Contributing to a Better World” Marek Kwiek, “Bologna 2020: Towards Conclusions from a general Rapporteur”
- Institute of Political Sciences, Berlin School of Economics, Berlin, Germany, October 6, 2007 (invited lecture, for a PRESOM – “Privatisation and the European Social Model” – seminar Marek Kwiek, “The University and the Welfare State in Transition”
- Paris, France – UNESCO-IIEP, EUEREK conference, “Private Higher Education – an Overview”, March 2006
- Institute of Education, University of London, the UK, December 5, 2006 (CHES seminar guest lecture) Marek Kwiek, “On Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces and Entrepreneurship: Recent Developments in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe“.
- “Geographies of Knowledge, Geographies of Power” seminar, Gregynog, University of Wales, the UK, January 18, 2006 Marek Kwiek, “The Welfare State in Transition: Changing Public Services in a Wider Context”.
- ECER 2005 Annual European Educational Research Association (EERA) Congress, Dublin Marek Kwiek, Keynote Address ECER 2005 (September 9, 2005)
- Marek Kwiek, “Academic Entrepreneurship vs. Changing Governance and Institutional Management Structures at European Universities” (Poznan EUEREK conference, October 2006)
- Marek Kwiek, “Academic Entrepreneurship and Private Higher Education in Europe” (Poznan EUEREK conference, October 2006)
As well as about 40 presentations at international conferences and seminars, mostly across Europe, organized within completed international comparative projects: WORKABLE, EDUWEL, EUROAC, GOODUEP, Fulbright NCS, EUEREK and others.