Center for Public Policy Studies

Marek Kwiek zamyka dwuletni projekt z Boston College: rozdział „An Abundance of Doctoral Students But a Scarcity of Doctorates” ukazuje się we wspólnym tomie w Palgrave

Marek Kwiek published a chapter on doctoral higher education in Poland in a book edited by Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, Maria Yudkevich (eds.), Doctoral Education at a Global Crossroads: An International Research Inquiry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020.

After two years, another collaborative project with Boston College, Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) was finished. This time a co-leader was HSE, High School of Education, Moscow.

The first international collaborative research project with Marek Kwiek and Philip G. Altbach was almost two decades ago – with a final seminar in the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio, Italy (2002).


Marek Kwiek, Poland: An Abundance of Doctoral Students But a Scarcity of Doctorates. In: Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit, Maria Yudkevich (eds.), Doctoral Education at a Global Crossroads: An International Research Inquiry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 103-126. Here.